Lil' Irish Temper
NetDoc:I got rid of my Rockets a long, long time ago. I think imitation is nice, but they seem more of a complete rip-off to me. I have three sizes of Jets and one size of Twin Jets. Half of them have springs, but they will all have springs shortly.
I don't know they work for me, and I am a strong believer that if the military has been using them for this long, and continues to use them, then (US Divers) must have done something right.
But in the same aspect, I use different fins for different dives. I have splits & rockets, I consider myself one of the lucky ones, because I don't think one is better then the other.
I enjoy diving with both them. Just like anything else "use the right tool for the right job"

I can't say enough about the Spring Straps though.