If you look at the first page of the document it will tell you which version of the Complaint you are looking at. There are some differences between the first version of the complaint (posted at the very beginning of this thread) and the third version of the complaint (the Second Amended Complaint). The paragraph numbering is different between the versions. I'm not sure which ones have actually been posted in this thread -- I know that the links to some of the posted documents no longer work. I considered posting Defendant Snow's Answer to the Second Amended Complaint, but it contains exhibits at the end which have addresses and phone numbers on them, so I didn't post it (even though it is public record filed with the court). I do not have all of the filings in the case. They are available from the clerk of court for 25 cents per page.
Two examples of changed factual allegations between Plaintiff's allegations in the initial complaint and the Second Amended Complaint:
Kendra Potter and Seth Liston are no longer named as Defendants. The first version of the complaint states that Kendra Potter sold the drysuit to the deceased. The Second Amended Complaint states that a different person -- named as a new defendant -- sold the drysuit to the deceased. I can find no mention of Kendra Potter at all in the Second Amended Complaint.
The first version of the Complaint (paragraph 186) contains the following: "In addition, the Gull Dive Defendants did not provide Linnea with a weight belt. Instead, they simply placed lead weights into zippered pockets on Linnea’s BCD and in the thigh pockets on Linnea’s dry suit." The Second Amended Complaint (paragraph 257) contains this allegation: "While Nathan Dudden was assisting Linnea don her equipment, he placed 24 pounds of lead weights in the zippered pockets on the front of Linnea’s BCD, not in the separate, integrated weight pockets meant to hold the lead weights so they could be easily removed in the event of an emergency." Nathan Dudden is not a Defendant. The Second Amended Complaint (paragraph 314) contains this: "After Linnea’s body was transported to the Montana State Crime Lab, it was discovered that Linnea had an additional 20 pounds of lead weights zippered into the pockets of her dry suit." I could not find anywhere in the Second Amended Complaint where it states who put the weights in the dry suit pockets.
It is not uncommon for complaints to be amended during a lawsuit. Facts sometimes develop during the course of a lawsuit. A complaint contains allegations, which are often denied by defendants.