shakybrainsurgeon is eminently more qualified to comment on this. But until he jumps in....
Using the word "cure" is always a bit tricky. Here, I think it meant that the coil occlusion procedure resolved the present problem of hemmorhage. I don't think it meant that there was a reversal of risk factors for recurrence.
I don't believe I'd have a problem with him learning to dive in a pool situation, maybe even in one of those large aquarium tourist/educational programs. But as for seriously picking up the sport, I'd hesitate. Because I personally equate scuba diving to remote wilderness activity -- i.e. advanced care is possibly more than an hour (the "golden hour") away -- then without good evidence to the contrary (and how can you show a negative, that something won't happen?) and my not being current on followup risk assessment protocols, I must judge conservatively and would discourage him from diving as a sport. Of course ultimately, whether he does so or not is up to him. If he choses to do so, hopefully it's with sober acknowledgment of its risks to himself and to those who accompany him.