So using your plan a ow course should cost around $800.-$1,000..,. the public would not go for it and eventually diving will cost even more for the few participating in it.
How so? AOW, at least in PADI land where I am from, is a book with precious little information in it, and a handful of dives. Many, if not most people advise a new diver to take it right away, it makes sense to add those dives into OW, it wouldn't cost that much. Bouyancy better not cost any more, since it is rediculous that people teach new divers how to kneel on the bottom instead of, well, dive

The information about ongassing and offgassing in the Nitrox course also should be included in the OW course, since, well, it is sort of important. If it costs money to teach people how to dive, well, it costs money. I know many instructors go over and above the minimum standards but the bad instructors don't have to, giving PADI a bad rap and creating threads like this one.
Walmart sells stuff cheap too, cheaper does not always equal better.
the card is to verifiy that the person has completed a course.How else can they prove it,say if a person wanted to rent a dry suit and cannot show a dry suit card?
By that logic I should not have been able to get a dive light, since I don't have a Night Diver card. Or get on a boat since I don't have a Boat Diver card. I also don't have a Fish ID or an Photographer card. I might need to give back my compass too
Kidding aside, I was told by a dive shop once the PIC form cost money, like $20 or something in order for PADI to issue a card for completing a course. Get rid of those administration fees and those specialty courses get a little cheaper.