The problem with finning isn't divers knowing about it. The problem is everyone else.
Nope not only everyone else, I know of divers who continue slurping their bowls of shark-fin soup... :no
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The problem with finning isn't divers knowing about it. The problem is everyone else.
Erich Ritter has a Ph.D. from Zurich University in “Behavioral Ecology” and is the only professional applied shark-human interaction specialist.
And you think the problem is that they don't understand finning is widescale and wrong or that they just don't care and like their soup?
I am hesitant about any movie that further elevates the career of this guy:
Dr. Erich K. Ritter Biography
His brand of quackery needs to be shunned. It doesn't even work for him. Meanwhile he gets the Discovery Channel treatment.
I looked up his academic credentials and a cursory glance shows them suspect. In one place he is supposedly on the staff of Hofstra University. A simple search of the faculty database shows no such employment. Another site claims he is a staff member of University of Zurich, which he also fails to show up in the staff list for.
His sharkwater bio claims:
Which should strike anyone as odd since his PhD is in something that requires quotes around it. Whereas other bios say University of Zurich, this one says Zurich University which is a different school. I can find no record of his degree program at either institute of higher learning.
Here is one of the other bios claiming he has an MS/PhD from UoZ:
Dr Erich Ritter
As much as I hate the shark finners and how they devastate the shark populations at sea mounts, I would hate for someone with so dubious a history (and whose PhD seems to need quotes and can't stay at one school) to gain more standing in the marine community through this film.
Sounds like the kind of guy I want to buy a DVD from . . . Can't even get the school he is from straight? WTH . . .
Sharkwater does some great work exposing the nasty underbelly of central American finning. It probably will help open people's eyes about this practice.
I am just a wee bit tired of the Sharkwater spams we get monthly on this forum and I am suspicious about a few of the people behind the film using it to add legitimacy to their careers.
I certainly don't want the news media seeking out "Dr." Ritter for interviews every time there is a new shark attack in the news.
Why not, sometimes the best way to get rid of someone is to have them make total tards of themselves on national television . . .