undefinedundefinedundefineddecapoddiver:Hot tip: Taking a bag full of short, illegal lobsters with NO license doesn't impress anyone and only pisses them off. Saying "I'll measure them when I throw their shells in the trash" while you and your buddy laugh doesn't impress anyone either! It's a good ****ing thing I wasn't buddied with you and your buddy should be ashamed too! I have more respect for the drug addicts with AIDS and Hep-C that I have treated than I do for you. My first time ever diving South of MA and likely my last. Not only were your attitude and actions disgusting, the fact that the others in the group thought it was fine is unnbelievable. Do us ethical bug divers a favor. Stay the **** away from MA!
On the upside, my buddy was great and he did not take any lobsters because he didn't have a license. There is at least one good guy in CT I guess.
In my defense,
I'm the guy that drove that pick up truck that nite and the comment made "I measure my lobster when I throw their shells in the trash" was made in bad taste. Not funny I will agree. I spoke to him and asked him if he had taken any bugs that nite and he told me no, I feel confident that he is not lying to me. We do not have permits to take bugs therefore I did not take any as well! I could have taken some on Bills permit unfortunatly I spent a good portion of my dive keeping myself untangled from my dive flag. (I'm a new diver, haven't quite mastered that aspect of not getting tangled) Anyhow my dive bud expressed the fact that he wanted to take some bugs but didn't and I guess was just crushing stones with his comment. I would be the first to hang my head in shame had I done somthing wrong but not this time, my truck and gear means so much more to me than a lobster meal and is not worth the chance one takes by poching lobster let alone shorts! WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? I could imagine what some of you guys might want to tell me where to go but try to keep those comments to a minimun. I feel black listed from my new found hobbie and it makes me unhappy!