Stinging feeling in face

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Just by luck I read this post. I recently did 3 dives in NC and experienced a stinging on my face during ascent. I am thinking that it was just stinging from the multiple jellyfish in the area. Now I am wondering if that was really it? First 2 dives the stinging was right across my upper lip. The 3rd dive it was along my forehead under my hood.
I wonder if someone can come up with an answer.

This sounds like jellies touching exposed areas. Have no idea about other fresh water occurrences.
This water was pretty warm, around mid 80's so I don't think that was the case.
Ok forget cold water here. Where were you? No polution?
That might be very possible. I have been having some issues with my sinuses.
I would think that would be a deeper pain, and not all over your face - but otherwise fit your description.
new aftershave----maybe??
This is really bothering me now! I was given an explanation long ago. I believe that it is some sort of microrganisims, I just cant think of it. I personnally believe that it has nothing to do with sinuses or anything personal. When I experienced it, my dive buddy did as well. two different occasions, two different dive buddies, for what that's worth.

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