Status on Silicone Zip Seals

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Thank you Kathy, I understand that portion, however I have an older CF200 without any zip seals. I might be interested in changing over to zip seals with the new silicone seals----however, if it ends up costing a fortune I will probably have to pass.

That's why I'm curious if there's some kind of package deal to change it all over for existing DUI owners? Or is it simply based on the price list with the individual list prices ?

Hi Robert,

Our Service Department Price List is available online by visiting

To upgrade your CF200 this service will require the T&E (Test & Evaluation) charge of $77. (We do have a little video up on what the T&E charge covers at DOG TV - drysuit test and evaluation).

ZipSeals Retrofit for the neck is $200 and the wrist $196. If you get both at the same time you you get $60 off those prices.

In comparison.. if you sent your CF200 in for attached seal replacement you would have the $77 T&E charge, $111 for latex neck seal, $90 for latex wrist seal. Silicone is not an option here as they cannot be glued to the drysuit.

I hope that answers your question. Please let me know.

Thank you,

Sounds good, so total of $77 + $200 + $196= $473. Add in the $60 discount and total of $413. Does that include the first set of seals too or an extra $148 each for the neck and wrist seals?

Hi Robert,

OK I got in touch with Janet at the office. Here is the correct pricing for the retrofit for Silicone ZipSeals. Neck: $223; wrist: $216 with a ($60) total: $379 plus T&E of $77.

This DOES INCLUDE the silicone neck and pair of wrist seals.

AND if you ever have cold hands this is a great way to use ZipGloves.

Thank you,

Why on earth would you spend this much on the dui seals? keep in mind that for the price you were just quoted from dui, so for the same price they quoted you will get silicone seals and a replaceable system for virtually the same cost. Send your suit into a dry suit repair shop, and have them put in the sitech system. It will be cheaper in the long run and when the suit wears out, rip it out and install it in the next suit. 150 bucks a seal is a lot of money(thats potentially 300 a year on seals both neck and wrists), when you can buy a silicone seal for 50-60 bucks or 100 for both neck and wrist and do it yourself with the above mentioned system(you just snap them in, really easy), your saving over the life of the suit. Not to mention the zip seal systems are prone to cracking on the part on the suit(and leaking at said crack or were on the older versions i had on my suit, perhaps not the second generation)

Actually send your suit to DRIS, if you have an older based suit which i believe you mentioned, the warranty is void anyways, so what does it matter. Actually i believe they cannot void the warranty on the suit either, they just cannot warranty work that you had done to the suit by others, same as cars. Also what is with the leak testing? do they not trust there own work? Why should that charge be passed onto the customer, they are the ones installing it, it should be included in their price, or be a lot less. Send it to Mike at DRIS and save yourself some money and get better system installed on your suit.



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Why on earth would you spend this much on the dui seals? keep in mind that for the price you were just quoted from dui, so for the same price they quoted you will get silicone seals and a replaceable system for virtually the same cost. Send your suit into a dry suit repair shop, and have them put in the sitech system. It will be cheaper in the long run and when the suit wears out, rip it out and install it in the next suit. 150 bucks a seal is a lot of money(thats potentially 300 a year on seals both neck and wrists), when you can buy a silicone seal for 50-60 bucks or 100 for both neck and wrist and do it yourself with the above mentioned system(you just snap them in, really easy), your saving over the life of the suit. Not to mention the zip seal systems are prone to cracking on the part on the suit(and leaking at said crack or were on the older versions i had on my suit, perhaps not the second generation)

Actually send your suit to DRIS, if you have an older based suit which i believe you mentioned, the warranty is void anyways, so what does it matter. Actually i believe they cannot void the warranty on the suit either, they just cannot warranty work that you had done to the suit by others, same as cars. Also what is with the leak testing? do they not trust there own work? Why should that charge be passed onto the customer, they are the ones installing it, it should be included in their price, or be a lot less. Send it to Mike at DRIS and save yourself some money and get better system installed on your suit.



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You talk as if the SiTech system is comparable to ZipSeals. I've seen both and I simply do not agree. I was completely unimpressed with the SiTech system. It's bulky, very inflexible, and as I witnessed, a PITA to change out a seal. Do what you wish, but there are many of us who feel the Zip Seal system, while pricey, is far superior in terms of comfort and ease-of-use.

If you're going to go with the SiTech system, make sure you take the time to look at it side by side with the Zip Seals. Than make your decision.
Why on earth would you spend this much on the dui seals? keep in mind that for the price you were just quoted from dui, so for the same price they quoted you will get silicone seals and a replaceable system for virtually the same cost. Send your suit into a dry suit repair shop, and have them put in the sitech system. It will be cheaper in the long run and when the suit wears out, rip it out and install it in the next suit. 150 bucks a seal is a lot of money(thats potentially 300 a year on seals both neck and wrists), when you can buy a silicone seal for 50-60 bucks or 100 for both neck and wrist and do it yourself with the above mentioned system(you just snap them in, really easy), your saving over the life of the suit. Not to mention the zip seal systems are prone to cracking on the part on the suit(and leaking at said crack or were on the older versions i had on my suit, perhaps not the second generation)

Actually send your suit to DRIS, if you have an older based suit which i believe you mentioned, the warranty is void anyways, so what does it matter. Actually i believe they cannot void the warranty on the suit either, they just cannot warranty work that you had done to the suit by others, same as cars. Also what is with the leak testing? do they not trust there own work? Why should that charge be passed onto the customer, they are the ones installing it, it should be included in their price, or be a lot less. Send it to Mike at DRIS and save yourself some money and get better system installed on your suit.



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What an uninformed statement to make!!! You are comparing an original Mercedes with an after-market cheap imitation "ToyoAuto" crap.

As for the "Test and Evaluation" part; you are, again, talking about something that you either know nothing about or intentionally ignoring the facts. Get your facts straight before you mouth-off with such erroneous information. T&E tests for a lot more than for the proper seal installation.
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Divin Hoosier,

I agree with yo on your statement take a good look at both systems and make your mind up. I do however disagree with how to change the seals. As with anything zip seals included you just need to practice putting them in, there is a slight learning curve. They are quite easy to d0 and takes a small error to make a big leak if not done properly

The older generations si-tech neck seal systems were inflexible, the new rings, believe over the last couple of years are quite flexible and you do not notice they are even there unless you are of small stature and it sits under your straps, same with the zip seals though. They drysuit cuffs, you can get whatever you want put into the system(viking, si tech, diving concepts, etc), UP here in cold water land, dry cuffs are mandatory so one has to live with the bulk, Although I would still have the system on a suit if i lived in a warmer area.

The information I provided is based on personal experience with the both systems and from watching friends over the years, I have owned a few DUI and other suits. I do like the zip seal system, my experience with the T & E is it is not worth it, I have had to have things replaced on my old suit that I was told directly by DUI i would have to incur the costs of a T & E because the part they installed was not working correctly on new suit, Inflator and dump valve were both glued permanently to the suit, was told they were to be replaceable which I asked, over sized boots, and I believe it was a leak on the zip seal, these were new suits. I flat out refused to pay this as it was leaking or done improperly from the get go and I choose to have the work done by others or had to argue back and forth, or fixed it myself.

That is where my issue comes with T & E testing and is not uninformed. If I was installing a new feature on the suit and DUI or others are going to charge me to test the suit out to make sure the suit does not leak prior to installing the system ,which is something I can do at home, very easily, is a cash grab and is something the customer may not want done(make it an option) but do not charge someone 77 dollars for having new seals put into the suit(They are after all the ones doing the work, it should be guaranteed not to leak and tested for this, and included in the installation cost).

Lets agree to disagree on the two different systems, neither of us will change our minds on that, as we have both had different experience with them it appears.

Anyways do what you want with your suits, all I provided was another option to the poster, granted it was in the DUI section of the forum so I expected to take some flak from this.

Mods feel free to move or delete these last few posts if you deem it necessary.



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