Divin Hoosier,
I agree with yo on your statement take a good look at both systems and make your mind up. I do however disagree with how to change the seals. As with anything zip seals included you just need to practice putting them in, there is a slight learning curve. They are quite easy to d0 and takes a small error to make a big leak if not done properly
The older generations si-tech neck seal systems were inflexible, the new rings, believe over the last couple of years are quite flexible and you do not notice they are even there unless you are of small stature and it sits under your straps, same with the zip seals though. They drysuit cuffs, you can get whatever you want put into the system(viking, si tech, diving concepts, etc), UP here in cold water land, dry cuffs are mandatory so one has to live with the bulk, Although I would still have the system on a suit if i lived in a warmer area.
The information I provided is based on personal experience with the both systems and from watching friends over the years, I have owned a few DUI and other suits. I do like the zip seal system, my experience with the T & E is it is not worth it, I have had to have things replaced on my old suit that I was told directly by DUI i would have to incur the costs of a T & E because the part they installed was not working correctly on new suit, Inflator and dump valve were both glued permanently to the suit, was told they were to be replaceable which I asked, over sized boots, and I believe it was a leak on the zip seal, these were new suits. I flat out refused to pay this as it was leaking or done improperly from the get go and I choose to have the work done by others or had to argue back and forth, or fixed it myself.
That is where my issue comes with T & E testing and is not uninformed. If I was installing a new feature on the suit and DUI or others are going to charge me to test the suit out to make sure the suit does not leak prior to installing the system ,which is something I can do at home, very easily, is a cash grab and is something the customer may not want done(make it an option) but do not charge someone 77 dollars for having new seals put into the suit(They are after all the ones doing the work, it should be guaranteed not to leak and tested for this, and included in the installation cost).
Lets agree to disagree on the two different systems, neither of us will change our minds on that, as we have both had different experience with them it appears.
Anyways do what you want with your suits, all I provided was another option to the poster, granted it was in the DUI section of the forum so I expected to take some flak from this.
Mods feel free to move or delete these last few posts if you deem it necessary.