For me, the key to enjoyable boat diving in a SM configuration is finding the right boat, with a crew that understands SM. There is no reason for SM diving off a boat to be a PITA, if the crew is in sync with the diver and gear.Since I boat dive all the time I'll heavily disagree with those that say SM off boats is a PITA
Unless of course you're one of those people who need to faff in teh water attaching and removing cylinders, or can't climb the latter with cylinders attached.
My personal preference is to hit the water with no cylinders, or one cylinder, then have the cylinders, or one other cylinder either handed down to me, or hung over the side on a line (my preference), where I can retrieve it. The same, in reverse, is true for exiting the water. I prefer to doff my cylinders - at least one and preferably two - in the water then climb the ladder without the weight. A good boat crew works with that approach easily. And, for me that is one of the advantages of SM. Frankly, climbing a ladder carrying two BM HP steels is getting to be very challenging for me. SM allows me to avoid that.