So somewhere around 4 stages it gets to the point where you might as well not even bother using backgas (from AL80 doubles). Maybe 5 stages for bigger backgas tanks.
So I think I understand the general progression from dives where using stages + "1/3" of backgas is plausible/logical (a couple stages) to the point where backgas is all reserve (alot of stages).
Thanks fellas
You guys are focusing on thirds and missing a very important concept here. Once you are doing dives on two or more stages, the nature of the dives generally dictate all of the backgas is a reserve. For newer divers with relatively high consumption rates this might not be as intuative. But, once you have any business using 2 plus stages the bottom times they will give you is significant.
Also, swimming with two stages isn't really that much fun and trying to do it with more than two is really just a bad idea. So, for discussions of more than two stages should be assumed to include scooters. At this point you are at a level of diving where 1/3rd is completely indequate to cover the amount of gas you might need to get out.
If you are ever unfortunate enough to see a stressed buddy have to go to his 120s back gas reserve at 285', you will be amazed how much gas gets used compared to the relaxed sipping of a stage while scootering in on the entrance. Answer, if it is true gas loss issue of the stage and breathing rate has spiked - all of it.