I do the opposite, but that's because I mostly dive caves, where bottles are dropped (actually, clipped to the line) at various points as you penetrate, and then picked up in reverse as you exit. Under those circumstances, I find it much easier to work from back to front, and then outside in. Most "reasonable" cave dives (i.e. almost anything you care to do in central Florida on one or two stages) only require one deco bottle anyway (100%), which I clip initially to my hip. The deco gas is usually stashed somewhere near the cave entrance (if not in open water outright), so it's not like you are having to carry the bottle very far before dropping it.
For a single stage cave dive requiring two deco gases, I will usually hip-clip the O2 and then chest-clip the 50/50 on the outside, since it will get dropped sooner. For a double stage dive (which I confess I have not done that many of), I will either do a short setup dive ahead of time to put the deco bottles in, or else hip-clip them both on a leash and then drop them individually as I penetrate. The decision of which method to use usually depends on the particular cave and what the rest of the team wants to do.
I don't do much OW deco diving, but when I do I usually put the 50/50 on the inside, the stage bottle with bottom gas (if used) on the outside, and then hip-clip the O2. That way when I hit the 70 foot stop, I can switch to the 50/50, stow the stage, and the swap it out for the O2 bottle in preparation for the next gas switch.
And of course in the DIR system, we would never use the position of a bottle to determine anything about its contents - all gas switches are verified visually by the MOD markings on the bottles. I'm not implying that anyone here is not doing that, but did want to emphasize that for the benefit of folks who may not be as familiar with the DIR protocols.