Pix from last night
NRA Poster Chick
Some of the Old Eggs mixed with the New eggs. GET OUT TO SEE THIS!!
Some Squid are missing the idea of placing their eggs in a community pile. When 'dette and I reviewed this pic,
she referred to the rebel squid that lay these solo eggs as the "rugged individualists..."
Its just a lot to take in right now. Eggs for days. They'll often set them in neat rows or columns. I can't help but think,
with the sheer volumes of squid all coming up at once, its likely the quickest and most efficient way to get up the canyon
and get the eggs set before they get munched by a waiting Sea Lion or Scorpion Fish.
Dette Over Easy
Everybody is eating squid these days... Check the squid parts Crabby tossed aside. I mean, I guess eating 50 or 60
squid a night is about all any living thing can be expected to stand.
Acres of eggs. You can't miss this!