@Christi I admire you and someday hope to meet you. I have one final observation. I have lived in many parts of the world. I have not met a single human being in my 70+ years that wasn't addicted to something. Not all of the addictions are as destructive to self and others like drugs and alcohol, but CAN be depending on the situation. What about the parent who is addicted to working and neglects their offspring, or the person who MUST take issue with everything that is said, written, or posted, or the person who (fill in the blank). @Christi has an addiction, which attacks many. She has, through the help of God and people who have supported her, gotten on the winning side, but as she has stated it's a continuous effort to stay there. For that she deserves respect and admiration from everyone. She may be the inspiration of someone to take up the struggle. As a minimum it should inspire each of us to examine ourselves to address our own addiction. Upon examination we may discover something good or something bad, but I guarantee we will find one.
Don't be quick to judge. Again, Christi I admire you, and you inspire me.
Keep up the good fight.
Cheers - M²
p.s. Yes, I have an addiction too.
Don't be quick to judge. Again, Christi I admire you, and you inspire me.

Cheers - M²
p.s. Yes, I have an addiction too.