Scott Riemer:
Ann Marie, I don't know you and therefore I wouldn't dare say my experience at SC reflects all employees as a whole. But, I did have a poor experience with the staff in the Diving dept. at my local SC, therefore, I have not and will not go back. .....
Since I'm in Placentia and I see you're in Yorba Linda, I'm assuming your "local" SC is the same as mine. I have to agree with you - other than the instructors that I was lucky enough to fall into when I first went there (I want to make it clear that I still feel that they are the BEST, very knowledgable and helpful), there are very few other people that work in the dive shop of that store that I trust with anything. They're all very nice, professional people (and I know that a lot of them have college degrees, too, so they can't be complete idiots), but I have had too many times than I can count where I was given wrong info or they didn't follow through on things I was told they would do (like when they were going to send my tank away for a tumble - I came in a week and a half later to get my other tank filled, and the one that was suppossed to be sent away 9 days ago was still sitting there - and, no, it hadn't gine and come back already.). They are by far the most convenient lds for me, and they do give good, full fills, so when I need my tanks filled, they still go there (plus, I get a free fill card with my dive club, so it doesn't cost me anything). Anything else, though, and I make the trip to Scuba World, Pacific Wilderness, or Sea Ventures. It may be slightly more expensive there, but at least I can trust the info I'm given.
And, TJ, I'd much rather have good and competitive - I can pay more if I didn't plan ahead enough to where I need fast. But, the quality of information and service is what I'm looking for. Plus. unless it's a tent sale, I wouldn't consider Sport Chalet cheap. Most of the other local shops's marked prices match SC (or come pretty close), and they are much more willing to offer deals for big items that SC won't even consider.