SPOILER * Star Trek Movie 2009 * Reviews and Comments

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I liked it , but I'm an old star trek fan anyway , but Kimber liked it too :)
I think they did well to make a good movie, that just happens to be a star trek movie
... they had to because there are many who shy away from anything "trekie"
I saw it tonight, and thought it was delightful. I don't know how much time the cast spent studying the original characters, but it must have been a lot, because the mannerisms were captured with amazing accuracy. I loved listening to McCoy muttering insults under his breath (although I miss DeForest Kelly, who was probably my favorite character in the original series). The space-time continuum thing is a bit weird, though, since it got Pike relieved before the voyage which was the original episode of the original series . . . :)

Great fun, and I'd love to see them do some more with this group.

But it's really funny how dated the music sounds!
But it's really funny how dated the music sounds!
Anyone who posts in this thread probably stayed for the credits. :crafty:
I liked most of the characters except for Uhura. She was too "uppity" for my taste.
Now I know for sure that you're a woman. :) Uhura was tight! but I agree that Spock should have given her the cold shoulder.

I loved "Bones". He was hysterical. Scotty didn't look right and Kirk and Spock were what you expected. I especially liked that they chose to show the lighter side of Kirk. Kirk's cocky nonchalance was great and well played. It kept the movie on a light tone and brought us right back the basic gutsy "fly by the seat of your pants" action that we love about Star Trek. I think this is a great spring board for more.

The fact that they let go of some of the continuity is actually going to be good. Star Trek was getting too entangled in a story that was a bit too narrow to "boldly go" anywhere new. It was a good move -- even if some die-hard trekkies don't like it.

One thing I wished they hadn't done is brought back Leonard Nemoy. I thought we were finally going to be done with the cameos and I think it was a weak move to do that.

All in all this is the first Trek movie in a long time that's left me actually hoping that they make another one.

My rating: 8 out of 10. -1 pt for the cameo and -1 point for the actor who plays Scotty not looking enough like James Doohan.

Rob, I agree with all you've said with the exception of the actor who played Scotty. He may not have looked like James Doohan, but he had a charm all his own! I liked him. So, I give the movie a rating of a 9 out of 10. :thumb:
Well, he looked more like Doohan than the character that played Chekhov looked like the original character! And the voice was perfect -- the Scots burr, and the lilting intonation. I can live with Scotty. The jury is out on Chekhov, although the kid is earnest and cute.

And yes, we stayed for the credits . . . :)
I had planned to see the movie tonight (last night of its three week play in our only theater) to celebrate the end of editing my kelp episodes #1 and #2 for my proposed cable TV show. When I realized how much work I have to do by tomorrow night, I had to skip it. May have to see it on the mainland or (shudder) when it comes out on DVD.

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