We seem to have a couple of zealots on either side of the argument..
I don't dive splits and I never have.. also I never will.
Here's why (in no order of importance):
When I got my first pair of fins, there was no such thing.
They typically cost more.
I cave dive and the people who are the real experts on the sport feel they are sub-optimal or even dangerous. I've never heard of a cave instructor with split fins and I've never seen a cave diver with them. They feel (and I agree) that they are an entagelment hazard. They also feel (and I have no clue since I've never dove them) that they aren't the best set of fins for a modified frog. Since this is the the best kick for 95% of any given cave dive (with a modified flutter being more appropriate in a very narrow tunnel), they don't seem the best tool for the job. Can you do a modified frog in splits, I have no doubt you can. Can you do it better than in a set of jets? Almost everyone says no.
Finally there is the coolness factor (just being refreshing honest here). They would have to beat out my jets hands down before I'd wear them. The people I look up to and whose respect I hope far don't like them. Now, I'm sure a lot of people are going to tell me this is irrelavant but those people are full of it. Before you post that, ask youself if you've ever owned a pair of Nike's, Reebok, had a sports car or anything else that goes above and beyond what is needed to get the job done just so you could look cool. If you don't think how the people you look up to is important to you then you are truely one of a kind.