Spin off from "Water as weight rather than lead?"

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hey dweeb, you wanna go cave diving some time? i bet i could learn a lot from you...

but seriously...dude...get a life
hey dweeb, you wanna go cave diving some time? i bet i could learn a lot from you

I have no desire to ever go cave diving. I fail to see the attraction. However, Once you've reviewed the physics and buoyancy concepts in module 1, I'd be happy to go diving with you somewhere that's interesting to both of us.

If your original question was serious, then I am very serious about the review. I am adamantly opposed to the memorization of technique without understanding what's behind it, which is the only way you could gain buoyancy control without knowing the answer to this question.

If, as others have suggested, you really did know better, then my hat's off to you for a brilliant chain pulling, and I thank you for a riotous good time.
dweeb do you like causing contriversy? So he asked a question that to you seemed obvious, get off his case. You had your laugh in the other thread, no need to start a new one. Unless you're a looking for a fight, and if you don't be careful you might find one.(not a threat, just a statement.)
Main Entry: dweeb
Pronunciation: 'dwEb
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
slang : an unattractive, insignificant, or inept person

Any questions?
cancun, Your signature says it all!
Given the amount of misinformation posted, that's a scary thought. In this very thread, 80% of it is tongue in cheek sci-fi comedic speculation.

I think you're seriously mistaken. Monty Python is NOT Sci-Fi. (Excepting the brief interlude in Life of Brian, of course....)
I think it's great that someone who is all knowing about diving...not to mention proper use of the English language...you have to admit...he's good at writing...so openly shares his knowledge freely on the board. Why, just look at his profile and his credentials....oh wait...he doesn't have anything there....It is entertaining though. Hank

This really says it all ;)
IMHO this character has been on this board before and does'nt like it!

Does anybody know this person :06:
Does anybody dive with this person :06:

Answers please, on a postcard..............................

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