IXΘYΣ;5004664:As I read the narrative, the two young men who ran low on air did so after spearfishing around the SG. This brings up a whole new world of possibilities w/r/t gas supply and deco status. How much did they burn because they were swimming hard? How much up-and-down, and at what depths? How different were their "while spearing" depth/time profiles?
While it is certainly easy to get into a serious deco hole on 119's in 130 ft of water, it's also quite reasonable to burn through 100+ CF well within the NDL while actively spearfishing.
I am not spearfishing expert but If depth where they were doing spearfishing is over 100ft (135 max recorded) how much game is there in shallower water to hunt? I would assume most of the game would be around the bottom. Am I wrong?