Speeding ticket

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My GF got a speeding ticket while she was driving for me. Sigh.. :no

It costs $190... OMG... :huh: The cops issued 17 miles over....

There is one trap spot (S curve) where the cops is always waiting for a bait. I forgot to mentioning the spot before getting caught. Ouch.... We had a radar detector, but it didn't help due to a short detection.

Well.. We can appeal for the ticket at the court though. The court belongs to Martinsville where a notorious KKK's former headquater was located. LOL~~

We had better pay the ticket than talking with some XXXX over there.

It was another long day......
Repeat after me,

"9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit".

the K
The Kraken:
Repeat after me,

"9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit", "9 miles per hour max over the posted limit".

the K


Actually, I told her to pass the car ahead. It was a kind of annoying diver who pushed the brakes so many times wihtout any reason. Once she pushed the accelator to pass over, the driver ahead was also speeding up... We were caught in the passing line on the local highway. We must be speeding to pass. LOL~~~

You know, the fine will be from my pocket, not hers.... That's our rule if she says so.....:rofl3:
The last time I got pulled over for speeding, I didn't wait for the officer to pull me over. I pulled over as soon as I saw him turning around. I was speeding, (15 or so over), and I admitted to it as soon as he walked up. I apologized for not watching my speed closely enough, and thanked him for being out there protecting the public. The kind gentleman sent me on my way with a verbal warning.:D

I just wish that the same thing had happened about 2 years before that when I got one for 12 over. That notsokind gentleman cut me no slack. But hey, I WAS speeding, and I DID know that I was.
Fool . . . !!!

Been there done that . . .

Many years ago I was in industrial sales. I traveled the states of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.

Anyway, I was working in the area of Augusta, GA one week. It was early afternoon and I was heading back to Atlanta from the Augusta area. If one drives a great deal, one tires of the interstates and, given Georgia is my native state and I know all of the secondary roads, I elected to take the "scenic" way home.

So, I was headed west bound out of Harlem, GA. This is back when I was trying to run a stealth vehicle . . . radar detector, CB radio, police scanner in my car.

Well, I'm booking along at about 75 on a 55 mph highway. I meet a Georgia state patrolman and my fuzz buster starts screaming like a virgin in a house of ill repute !!!

I didn't even bother to try to progress any further. I immediately pulled over.

Yep, in about 1-1/2 minutes here comes the old blue-and-gray screaming up the road. I've pulled over after passing through a very tight, blind curve.

Lord help him !!! I thought he was gonna take out 6 or 7 pine trees as he skidded that cruiser to a stop!

He gets out of the cruiser, proceeds to do the perfunctory checks, holds my license up to the sun to view the myriad staple holes that have had tickets attached to it and says, "Mr. X, are you a salesman?" Naturally I respond in the affirmative.

Gave me a warning ticket, a severe tongue lashing he says, "Now you slow down. You don't know where I'm going to be for the rest of the day."

That "Viet Nam Helicopter Pilots Association" bumper sticker has gotten me out of many a speeding ticket.

the K
Wow... You did good job... We try it next time..... (No... Not anymore :wink:)....

The cop looked being pissed off due to our radar detector. Is it an illegal to have? No..... But why?

He was a kind of rude when he asked some questions to my GF. That's her major complaint, not a speeding ticket because she knows who is going to pay for....
Detectors aren't against the law in Georgia.

the K-band
Ouch! 17 over. And Min seems like such a nice girl. :D

As far as Martinsville being a notorious former KKK area, you unfortunately can say that about almost any small town in Indiana. Why do you think my daughter's high school teams are called the Dragons? :no Very sad.

Anyway, on what grounds would you appeal? Was she going 17 over for not?

I always try and keep it to <=10, but I do sometimes push it to 15. Indiana is usually not known for many speed traps, but when they get you, they sure get you.

WT ... you better drive up to Haigh on Saturday. :wink:
My usual rule is go 10% over the limit... ie if it is a 60mph zone go 66 max.... Just my usual rule of thumb. Sorry about the luck man!! Lame! Better watch your speed next time. Especially if your on your way to a Dive!!!!!
Ouch! 17 over. And Min seems like such a nice girl. :D

As far as Martinsville being a notorious former KKK area, you unfortunately can say that about almost any small town in Indiana. Why do you think my daughter's high school teams are called the Dragons? :no Very sad.

Anyway, on what grounds would you appeal? Was she going 17 over for not?

I always try and keep it to <=10, but I do sometimes push it to 15. Indiana is usually not known for many speed traps, but when they get you, they sure get you.

WT ... you better drive up to Haigh on Saturday. :wink:


We remember the news about the M-high school basketball team a few years ago.

On what grounds? Absolutely none..... :rofl3:

We must have been over the speed limit. But, we didn't know exactly how much..... :wink: He said 17 mile over.:eyebrow:

Well, that was the same spot where I got the ticket a few years ago..... It was $75 at that time.

Yes, I will drive up to Haigh......:D

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