Spearfishing with scuba

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I'll probably get flamed for this question but how sporting is it to spearfish while wearing scuba? Most of the fish simply allow you to come pretty close to them anyway and with "unlimited" air, I really don't see much sport in it. Plus, for those of us who don't spearfish, it tends to make the fish jittery over time and thus robs us of some of the pleasure of our dives. To me, the marine life/fish allowing you to become part of their environment and accept you into it is what distances scuba from other outdoor sports. Think about it...you walk through the woods, even slowly, and the animals don't really "embrace" you that much; they see you as a threat. Should spearfishing be outlawed while wearing scuba?


Since this is both a long and old thread, I thought revisiting the OP would be a good Idea. I have bolded what I thought were the two main Q's of the OP.

There have been a number of posts with regard to areas all over the planet where spearing on scuba is illegal. I may not have typed my feelings on whether I feel it should be illegal, but it's not hard to read between my lines.

As for the "sporting" issue; I have a hard time calling anything a sport if it can be done by people with such a low level of conditioning that climbing a flight of stairs with a briefcase leaves them winded.
Yeah think everything got a little diluted over the posts.

I think in certain places it should be illegal - not a broad ban all across the board everywhere. Again state-to-state regulations as long as you practice sustainable fishing practices and follow take/size/season regulations, everthing should be fine.

In the countries that it is illegal, it is protecting reefs that have been damaged and overfished by local communities due to lax enviromental laws and poor fishing practices that use trawlers & nets which damage reefs and produce excessive unwanted bycatch which is discarded overboard dead. This has nothing to do with a few SCUBA or freedivers spearfishing and taking fish but years of neglect caused by poor fishing practices and uneducated fisherman trying to make a living but not using the right methods which lead to overfishing of areas. Damaged reefs cannot support abundant underwater communities.

Some places should be underwater sanctuaries where tourism and endangered species thrive no doubt. But to ban everywhere is a little dramatic.

As far as it a "sport" - I guess I did say spearfishing while wearing SCUBA was sporting under certain conditions but I guess it would be another endless debate on wether SCUBA in itself is a sport or not. I agree that it is more of a hobby as oppossed to a sport. But like any sport, it's usually easier to participate if you're in good shape. I realized anyone can do it when my AOW instructor was pushing close to 350lbs!
It doesn't matter to the fish whether the diver is wearing tanks or not when he shoots him.
It doesn't matter to the fish whether the diver is wearing tanks or not when he shoots him.

It may... a pride thing, his fish friends may laugh at him :p
I'll probably get flamed for this question but how sporting is it to spearfish while wearing scuba? Most of the fish simply allow you to come pretty close to them anyway and with "unlimited" air, I really don't see much sport in it. Plus, for those of us who don't spearfish, it tends to make the fish jittery over time and thus robs us of some of the pleasure of our dives. To me, the marine life/fish allowing you to become part of their environment and accept you into it is what distances scuba from other outdoor sports. Think about it...you walk through the woods, even slowly, and the animals don't really "embrace" you that much; they see you as a threat. Should spearfishing be outlawed while wearing scuba?


Thanks for your post... I've just read the entire thread and have been both "educated" and "entertained" :popcorn: First time over in this section, I'll have to visit more often :D

I will now offer my opinion (along with everyone elses :D)

"....how sporting is it to spearfish while wearing scuba?"

IMHO it is and it isn't :) Depends on the variables.... the fish, the water conditions, the environment (like an oil rig). In some cases it wouldn't be very sporting at all. In others you'd have a better chance without scuba.

"Should spearfishing be outlawed while wearing scuba?"

Why? The short answer is no... unless you're also banning other types of fishing as well. This is a decision that should be (and in many places is) decided based on things like conditions, species, local fish populations, etc...

IMHO while all the other debate has been very interesting and educational bringing up many good points it often (I didn't say never :wink:) got away from addressing your original questions. You're all free to disagree of course :)

Just my 2 yen's worth :)
I'll probably get flamed for this question but how sporting is it to spearfish while wearing scuba? Most of the fish simply allow you to come pretty close to them anyway and with "unlimited" air, I really don't see much sport in it. Plus, for those of us who don't spearfish, it tends to make the fish jittery over time and thus robs us of some of the pleasure of our dives. To me, the marine life/fish allowing you to become part of their environment and accept you into it is what distances scuba from other outdoor sports. Think about it...you walk through the woods, even slowly, and the animals don't really "embrace" you that much; they see you as a threat. Should spearfishing be outlawed while wearing scuba?

Legal in Hawaii. Been doing it for more than 20 years. Great Sport and not as easy as you might think. Enjoy.
The truth is spearing fish on scuba is much easier. Go out at night and you'll find fish totally still, sleeping. It's so easy you can completely wipe out an area in a very short time. There are many locations all over the world that have made it illegal to spear fish on scuba. Palau, one of the most beautiful places to dive in the world, have made it illegal many years ago. We tried to create a law on Guam to make it illegal but ran into problems from those who believe nothing has changed and they should be able to harvest all they like using scuba. Even so, the only spearfishing organization on Guam supported the bill. If we don't eliminate all scuba spearfishing, the day will come when you'll have to take your kids to a water park or public aquarium to see a parrot fish.(And many others). Adventure-Ocean
The truth is spearing fish on scuba is much easier. If we don't eliminate all scuba spearfishing, the day will come when you'll have to take your kids to a water park or public aquarium to see a parrot fish.(And many others). Adventure-Ocean

I....uhh.....but.....seriously? I absolutely disagree with everything you just said. I do both. I get waaaayyy more fish free diving. Regulation of both types is key. If scuba is easy for you, you must dive where no one else spearfishes on scuba.
I....uhh.....but.....seriously? I absolutely disagree with everything you just said. I do both. I get waaaayyy more fish free diving. Regulation of both types is key. If scuba is easy for you, you must dive where no one else spearfishes on scuba.

I dove on Guam in the Marianas for 40 years. There the larger fish could easily go deeper than you can free dive. It is their escape. When we dove on scuba, deep, the fish were much bigger, far less active and easier to shoot. We were also shooting the adults that would have spawn more fish. On an island, shooting the big fish daily, can, and has depleted the fish population. That should alert the mainland USA enough to regulate how fish are harvested so we have a good population for our grandchildren. Adventure-Ocean

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