That's hilarious! Did they stop the flight? That wouldn't be quite as funny.
Well we were taxiing and I notice the gate number when up and then started back down. I said, ok somethings wrong.
This was like the 3rd or 4th plane we tried get one. The first was down, the second had an issue, they lost the key to the 3rd or something. We had changed gates a few times. We were delayed a couple hours or so.
We pull back at the gate and I see the PD SUV coming up with lights on. I thought 'How could they not have found a guy with warrants or something during the delay?'
Cops on the plane. stomp stomp stomp to the back.
They come back with a clean cut guy carrying a back back in the army digital camo and quietly walked off. I thought weird.
We sat a little and backpack guy come back on.
Then again cops on the plane. stomp stomp stomp to the back.
This time they drag out a guy with dreads, pants around his ankles, prison tats etc who was complaining with a girl following them cursing and yelling.
Now the flight attendant come on and says we now have to wait for them to find and remove his bags in case it was a set up.
She told us about the weed and assured us we would get snack just as soon as we got airborne in case anyone got the munchies.