We love Southwest. We were flying AirTran for a while before SW bought them out to start their international business. We have been using the BWI CUN non-stop since. There was a little confusion in the whole SW boarding process in Cancun for a while, but they got it figured out. Then there was the SSSSS on the boarding pass which means YOU are getting the secondary screening at the gate. And by you I mean its always me... Now they have that mostly fixed. They call the SSSSS people to go up and get checked during the pre-boarders so you don't lose your place in line. That's nice.
SW also has the companion pass, which I think is generally considered the best deal in rewards. I stick EVERYTHING on a SW CC. I even stick relative's bills on it. My MIL give me one check a month and I have ALL her recurring bill on it. Upside is the companion pass lets the missus fly free and only pay taxes. That includes if I fly free on points. It pretty cool. They got Hawaii on the routes now. I would have to overnight in San Jose, but it looked like I could go from BWI to Hawaii for like 800 more or less for both of us.
And 2 checked bags free. I dont remember a flight with people fighting for overhead space or gate checking bags. That's nice.
The free changes are awesome too. One time I had like 6-8 of us going to Coz, via CUN. Coordinating schedules was a bear. We were able to change the flights twice as everyone cleared their schedule for a long trip.
I had a trial get scheduled and screwed my plan one time. So I rebooked mine to go after the trial week and sent the rest on ahead. Then the guy plead. Called SW up and moved my flight to the next day. Caught the Mayair, and a taxi to Money Bar and hid behind a menu and plant in the corner after arranging to have it suggested to the missus that they go there for the post dive lunch. I sat there whatsapping her asking what she was doing and asking for pictures. She got suspicious. It was a hoot. She hates surprises, but hey I enjoyed it.
And ALL of that was free. I even got some refunds when the new flight was cheaper.
I, by rule, hate flying all the way west to Texas to come east to Cozumel as opposed to non-stop to CUN, but I am reconsidering with SW. Looks like an extra 2 hours travel, vs CUN, van and ferry. (I dont count missing the ferry and having to wait against the bag drag time. Drinking beer in Senor Frogs while I wait doesn't count, I figure.)
Oh sure seating is a little communist on SW. Everyone line up by number! The seats are all the same EXCEPT the left exit row. You have to get over the agony of picking a seat in a hurry. But now that I realize if it ain't the exit row, nothing matters, its easier than picking seat on some other airline while consulting seat guru and trying to decide is economy plus (some pigs are more equal) worth it or I should just spend 12 dollars for the seat not near the bathroom....
And a drinky-poo is 2 bucks cheaper than American. Just saying.
@scubatree has some deal worked out where they get to use the King's or President's or Emperor's lounge on American in TX with massage, hot towels, facials, manipedis, etc etc. Then they fly in some sort of barco lounger seats where they can barely reach each other and get served a fancy breakfast with I think a omelet guy who comes to their seats and makes it or something. But for us ordinary people SW is great.
Gee this got kinda long. But I do LUV Southwest....