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Beverly, MA
I was reading an article today about Al Qaeda and there possible intent to use divers to attack us somehow.

One month ago I dove in Rockport and there were twin Arab brothers around 30-35 years old freediving/spearfishing. The weather was cold (35), windy and clear. They were diving wet. They had spearguns with them and told my buddy and I that they were going to try and get some lobsters or spear some fish. They also said they generally go for Rockfish, Cod, Bluefish. I have lived on Cape Ann or near Cape Ann for most of my life and I don't know what a Rockfish is (not a striper according to them). Given the fact that Cod have a size limit imposed and the fact that in 50 dives this year I never saw even one Cod, their story seemed a little fishy (pun intended).

I made a joke to my buddy that "they were probably already on the watch list". We brushed off the encounter because they seemed like nice guys, unlikely types to be involved in anything nefarious. We probably also brushed off the encounter because we didn't want to feel like the types that would engage in "racial profiling", granted I had made an essentially racist joke about the watch list but I don't want to think of myself as "racist".

Reading this article today made me re-think this encounter.

I have this question; should my buddy and I have said something to someone? If so who? If not, please don't bash me. I've opened myself up for attack here (rightfully so to some extent) but the question is relevant and is important. I've posted in the NELD section because I would prefer that the whole world doesn't way in on this.

Respectfully - Ken
Hey Ken! Hope you don't mind this Californian weighing in on this. My recommendation to you is that if their activity was "suspicious" then yes, you should have reported it. Only you can determine that and hindsight is 20/20. I'm not just saying it because they were Arab either.
Rockfish is usually slang for Sea Bass (blackfish), good eating fish. I would not have been too concerned, espically since they were just freediving. That said, if you got a creepy feeling, you could have call the Env. police. Did they have a float? If not, that would have been a violation right there and the EPO could have used that to check up on them.

Sometimes, when you see something suspect going on it's best to just confront the people and then read their responses (espically if it's in your home town): "Hey guys, pretty cold out here to be diving wet huh?" "You guys from around here?" "I don't mean to be a jerk, it's just not everyday that we see people freediving at this time of year."

Persoanlly though, it doesn't seem too suspect to me.
Are you sure they were Arab? They might have beend Indian.

And stop watching TV too much, all the "Al Queda" will get you fear is really unhealthy. I stopped looking at news a few years ago and I'm feeling much better. I hardly take my medicine anymore!

And yes, I too have heard of Black Bass being referred to as the Rockfish down in New York. I once rescued one about 18 inches in length from the old fishing net (it looked kinda sicklish to eat, probobly the poor thing has been there for weeks).
I was reading an article today about Al Qaeda and there possible intent to use divers to attack us somehow.

One month ago I dove in Rockport and there were twin Arab brothers around 30-35 years old freediving/spearfishing. The weather was cold (35), windy and clear. They were diving wet. They had spearguns with them and told my buddy and I that they were going to try and get some lobsters or spear some fish. They also said they generally go for Rockfish, Cod, Bluefish. I have lived on Cape Ann or near Cape Ann for most of my life and I don't know what a Rockfish is (not a striper according to them). Given the fact that Cod have a size limit imposed and the fact that in 50 dives this year I never saw even one Cod, their story seemed a little fishy (pun intended).

I made a joke to my buddy that "they were probably already on the watch list". We brushed off the encounter because they seemed like nice guys, unlikely types to be involved in anything nefarious. We probably also brushed off the encounter because we didn't want to feel like the types that would engage in "racial profiling", granted I had made an essentially racist joke about the watch list but I don't want to think of myself as "racist".

Reading this article today made me re-think this encounter.

I have this question; should my buddy and I have said something to someone? If so who? If not, please don't bash me. I've opened myself up for attack here (rightfully so to some extent) but the question is relevant and is important. I've posted in the NELD section because I would prefer that the whole world doesn't way in on this.

Respectfully - Ken

I say err on the side of prudence and apologize later if necessary. If they were diving near a power plant or fresh water supply for a town or something like that - I would take a second look too. Especially if they had any sort of gear that did not fit, containers, etc. With just a few spear guns - no sweat.

I say err on the side of prudence and apologize later if necessary.

Amen, If it bothered you tell the authorities. If they were really just spearfishing and have nothing to hide then no harm is done. No American should mind the police asking a couple of questions. They are doing their job protecting us. Not to take this off topic but this goes back to the privacy advocates (or my problem therewith) If the FBI wants to come dig through my underwear drawer more power to them. I have nothing to hide. Its what I don't understand. Many of these same ACLU types that scream foul about privacy are the same people that blame the government for 9/11. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Just my 2 cents.
Not to take this off topic but this goes back to the privacy advocates (or my problem therewith) If the FBI wants to come dig through my underwear drawer more power to them. I have nothing to hide. Its what I don't understand. Many of these same ACLU types that scream foul about privacy are the same people that blame the government for 9/11. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Just my 2 cents.

I think that if you do not believe in privacy from the government, and you're comfortable with the government sifting through your personal life, then you trust the government too much.

I also think it is an insult to the men and women currently serving in our military, and to Americans who gave their lives for this country in the past, who fight and sacrifice to protect and further our freedoms and the Bill of Rights.

I do, however, like your signature line quote.

I doubt if they were planning on causing much terror with a speargun.

It's kind of obscene to think that a couple of Middle Eastern guys going diving are terrorists. Guess everyone who sees someone with brown skin putting on a wetsuit should call the police and have them come check it out.

This should not have even been *thought*, much less posted to ScubaBoard.
I absolutely and strongly agree with Jonnythan. There is no reason whatsoever to suspect the two gents. Your thought process is pathetic. We should remove this post before it gets the international claim we (the USA) would be wiser to avoid.
well... if the guys were 200 yards from a oil pipeline docking facility, for example,
and their story didn't jive, brown or white it would send alarm bells ringing.

but if they are in the middle of a beach somewhere, with no industrial complex
for miles around, and the only thing that makes them suspicious is that they
are not white, then i would say that's racial profiling.

what exactly did these guys do wrong other than being the wrong color?
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