Son of the Blue Heron Twilight Dive...

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woohoo, I'm sure my ear will be better by then, so count me in too.... I might not have a buddy though. Have to check Darrel's schedule..
Hey, chickee.
Wanna buddy up with me? :06:

woohoo, I'm sure my ear will be better by then, so count me in too.... I might not have a buddy though. Have to check Darrel's schedule..
Are your friends coming along, too?
They seemed like a nice bunch.
Oh, And I'd like to try gently putting out a finger for an octupus to test. I've been wondering what it feels like.

Oh yeah, I forgot to list the particulars...
High tide will be at 8:16, so we should be in the water at 7:56, and out sometime after 9:00. That means be at the park around 7:26.
Sounds like fun! Will see if I can make it or not...
Octopus' have VERY strong suction on those little tentacles. I let one crawl on my hand last week, (well, actually he only got across my finger) and was spooked at how strong the suction is. Spooked the poor guy also. Next time I keep my gloves on!
Trish The Fish:
Are your friends coming along, too?
They seemed like a nice bunch.
Oh, And I'd like to try gently putting out a finger for an octupus to test. I've been wondering what it feels like.

They are a nice bunch! Yes, they're coming too and some more.
Sounds like fun! Will see if I can make it or not...

Jenn, if you go I wanna go! will you be my buddy?

Trish if we go see ya there! :dazzler1:
Sure, but like always, a bubble watcher is needed...know anybody available to buddy watch? Ya know, like the one that has promised to watch your kid while recouperating??:D

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