Suggestion Solved: Book Review Forum

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Scuba Instructor
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Winston, Georgia, United States
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I just don't log dives
Would it be worth it to create a forum designed to comment on books related to diving? A fiction and non fiction section? An educational section? A medical section? etc. Or would this complicate things. There are times when I would love to know of a good book on decompression procedures and theory or just a great book on fish id in the Caribbean. A book forum may be a great place to discuss these issues. Like an online book club.
I'd love to lurk in a book review forum, but I'd be unlikely to actively contribute.

Maybe that's a even more useful question. How many people would a) think they would actively contribute, and b) how frequently they would post dive-related reviews?
I'll let Pete know so it can be reviewed.

Don't count on a quick answer- everyone's at DEMA right now. :D
Next step:

Where should it go? Is this for SCUBA books only? Or just Books in general?
Where should it go? Is this for SCUBA books only? Or just Books in general?
I suggest just SCUBA and related aquatic topics. There are countless places for general book discussion on the internet.
I suggest just SCUBA and related aquatic topics. There are countless places for general book discussion on the internet.

I agree.

An excellent idea though. :)
Great Idea
I suggest just SCUBA and related aquatic topics. There are countless places for general book discussion on the internet.

Next step:

Where should it go? Is this for SCUBA books only? Or just Books in general?

I agree with Cram. It should be a section for SCUBA related topics with the floor being open to anything related to diving. I think it should be its own forum, with its own sub forums including education, fiction/non fiction, etc. I am sure others can come up with other sub forum headings. This way I think we can separate out those topics that interest people. If you want to know about decompression theory you don't have to wade through posts about fish id to get to it.

I would suggest putting it just below the Marine Science and Physiology Forum in the Underwater Activities and Specialties area. Seems like a natural transition. I am afraid that if it is placed too far down it might not receive enough attention.
Excellent suggestions ScubaDocER.

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