Suggestion Solved: Book Review Forum

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Winston, Georgia, United States
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Would it be worth it to create a forum designed to comment on books related to diving? A fiction and non fiction section? An educational section? A medical section? etc. Or would this complicate things. There are times when I would love to know of a good book on decompression procedures and theory or just a great book on fish id in the Caribbean. A book forum may be a great place to discuss these issues. Like an online book club.
I like the idea. I am frequently doing searches for books.

It could be a rather complex system with a number of subforums by topic or fairly simple.

I'd love to see it happen.
Good idea. I suggest not bothering with sub-forums until the main forum is busy enough that it needs to be split.
Great idea! It will be nice to do some reading that doesn't involve pixels melting my retinas for a change.
Good idea. I suggest not bothering with sub-forums until the main forum is busy enough that it needs to be split.

I would frequent a book review forum and agree with the above suggestion.
I would be in favor of a bibliophile forum.

In 1992 I presented the very first US Diving Bibliophile met in my home with 19 in attendance, plus wives. At that meeting we discovered there is a large discrepancy in diving bibliophile interest.

Therefore, it is suggested that the forum, if developed, be segmented into various diving interest; technical, historical, spear fishing, photography, salvage, etc
OK....I'm sure that's more than a dozen ayes.....what is the next step? I suppose a PM to a mod, so I'll send one to TC.


Edit: PM sent to TC

Hello TC,

In this thread:

It was suggested a new forum "Book Review" would make a welcome addition to Scuba Board. We now have more than positive votes. What is our next step toward getting it set up?

Thank you,

Couv and company

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