No way... Why would I be the reason of this thread?
I'm not even part of the scuba "community" anymore...this is definitely not for me, the only thing I do is come to this board a few times a year, and send my son to the dive shop to fill my tanks. I'm no longer in the cross hairs of gear manufacturers or dive resorts. I dive out of my own boat with my husband or son and most of the times we take turns so we all go solo.
But I do get it Nemrod, don't think your theory of "calling it rec will result in charters accepting it" will work, but I do understand your goals.
It used to be that you had a dive certification and you went diving, as long as you pay for your spot and the seas allowed it.
Then you could only enter the water with a giant stride, then you could only put your fins out by the stern, some boats won't even let you put your own fins, some insist in holding you by the valve screwing with your balance, most of them can't help themselves they HAVE to touch your gear, and each boat seems to come out with another "safety" rule ... somewhere along the line your dive card was no longer enough, you need an advance card to go on a XX foot dive, in some places they even want a rescue card for some dives.... now there are solo cards.
Is it bad to have a solo certification? obviously is not bad for you, but it doesn't make sense to me.
Again I don't want to say never because life is funny that way, just don't care to go through a class that is going to tell me how to do what I've been doing for decades.
My personal procedures for solo diving work for me. These are not fixed procedures, they gotten adjusted along the years as my knowledge and exposure to different circumstance have progressed, but always tailored to my definition of safety and gear requirements, not some else's definition.
Other people dive more aggressive or conservative than me, don't care, that's one of the main reasons I go solo, I don't have to adapt to other people's way, or be patient while others adapt to my way.
I use charters less and less when I travel. 99% of the times I dive off a charter they manage to take all the fun out of diving. I have no hopes they will openly accept a solo card and treat that diver as a responsible adult, much less as a self sufficient diver.
The charters that already trust divers to do their thing will continue, the one's that treat customers as drooling idiots will most likely also continue to do so.
So please by all means put the solo forum in the rec portion of the board, if nothing else it would be an interesting social experiment. It would be so nice to be proven wrong in this case.