The flaw in this logic is your assumption that because you have never had a reg fail that it won’t happen to you. Applying that same logic I should go without a seatbelt and an airbag because I have never been in a car accident. Just because things haven’t happened to us yet, doesn’t mean they won’t.
You are also making an assumption here, that backup or redundant systems imply some deficiency with the primary systems' integrity or quality. That isn’t the case. What redundancy does speak to is the criticality of the primary system. It may never fail but if it does, it is an essential system so we have it backed up.
If you Aqua Masters are comfortable diving the way you do that’s great and, frankly, I find your minimalist approach kinda cool. That your regs are probably older than me is way cool. But the argument that your setup would be less safe if you were carrying a pony is only valid with the assumption that it is impossible for your way cool reg to fail. You and I both know that isn’t true.
Further for you Aqua Masters, the rest of us here understand and look up to your considerable experience. That is why we are here asking our questions. And that is why I would prefer to see you qualify your remarks that your setup isn’t the norm (because it absolutely is not), and that it does assume more risk (because it undeniably does, particularly for those of us who aren’t diving your zero failure setups). This way us younger divers might take away more from your experience than your opinion that my pony bottle is unnecessary. I get enough of that attitude on the dive boats.
You can 't compare it to risk associated with driving simply because the greater amount of time we spend exposed to the hazzards of driving and most if not all driving accidents don't happen because of a failure of the automobile, they happen because of human error, both of the diver and/or other drivers.
No where have I said I would be less safe with a pony. I just don't feel it adds any great degree of additional safety.
The Aqua Master contains no "O" rings other than the one at the tank to regulator connetion. It has no pressurized hose and associated "O" rings supplying air to the diver that can rupture. I can either not use a BC or use only oral inflation ( see my avator photo) eliminating another potential hose or "O" ring rupture or stuck inflator. If I use an SPG, a HP hose failure is not nearly the issue it is with an LP hose because of the tiny orfice used.
Can the regulator fail, yes. I can also be hit by a meteor, but I don't worry about either because it is an extremely remote possibility.
I am not trying to discourage pony bottle use. Actually I feel it might be better when buddy diving to have one you can hand off to an out of air diver rather then get involved in an air share.