Actually, you would probably be better prepared for solo diving if you HAD an incident or two before trying it. It gives you a chance to test how cool you are under stressful conditions. To me this is a big factor in determining a person's readiness for solo diving... and you never know how you will really react until you have to react to an unanticipated incident.
Interesting point. I agree but it is hard to experience if you plan your dives well and are not cursed.
I train for incidents. When in a pool I ask folks to surprise me by turning off my air or ripping my second stage off my mouth so that I build memory of incidents and practice think, plan, act. But it is not the same as I anticipate it. I have not found a DM or buddy willing to do that to me on a resort dive. I plan to take the rescue course before the solo course, expecting to work through scenarios.
I know a little about how I react in unplanned situations. I have been trapped under an avalanche, lost light over a 50m pit while spelunking and fell 30m lead climbing. Each time, I kept calm but I know that it does not prepare for the panic feeling of running out of air. The fears and emotions are different and that is part of my concern.
I have helped 2 people who were OOA. Both got bent because their panicked (one shot to the surface instead of breathing from my octo and 1500psi air left). They were otherwise cool headed folks above water and experienced, but they told me afterwards that knowing there was air at the surface was stronger than knowing the risk of being bent. I also read that through the story of the Rousses (The Last Dive).
From caven diving I have aslo leaned that you solve your problems under water, going to the surface is obviously not an option. Perhaps it is a good preparation for solo diving. I plan to become full cave certified eventually. I don't know if solo comes before or after.
Regardless of skills and redundant equipment, I have also considered that being DAN O2 trained and having a DAN O2 kit would be a good idea while solo diving. Thoughts?
Any tips you would have to experience how one reacts to an underwater and not involving a dam and an anchor (that must have hurt)?