Unattended boat diving is a norm where I Live, I check on divers in front of my house. when I'm home I have veiw points, and if I see them arrive I scope to see there gear, to see there back gas and if they are leaving boat unatended. It has a screaming surface current, If not prepared they get swept right off there anchor rope. Same with when they ascend, they cant hang on long, and let go. At least 20 times I go pick the divers up. I can reach them in about 15 minutes. then I tell them how to successfully achieve the dive. Have a ring 25' down anchor line, then attach where you enter, be negative boyuant and pull on rope, at 15' decent from surface the current lets up. When dive is coming to an end, pick up anchor line and hook it to the ring 25' from surface, now you can drift with boat and enter with ease.
That is one situation, there are many ways, as there is different sites and conditions.
The last resort I tell these new boat divers is, blow up smb, have weight attached to bc and take it off, you can kick through surface current back to your boat with finns mask and suit.
I hunt solo from my rib and it is easy as pie. If you can not do it you do not have the experience.
The only thing I dissagre from r4e is to have wife wait and call for help at a certain time, that puts a strain on him when finishing a dive, and my god his wife goes through that process on each dive, she my as well just be in the boat and read a book or fish.
Also if my wife was home she went diving with me. when she is gone I never even told her what time I went. Now I do know what worring is, I worried all the time for her, and sure she did for me.
When my Wife left me I asked if it was hard on her and she said, you are the best diver in the world, in the 4000 plus dives we did you got us out of every predictiment we were in, we should of died on at least a few hundred dives. I told her that I hope she can think as fast and rember how to get out of every situation you run into, and you my little mermaid are the be female diver in the world.
She solo dived also by boat and kyak. And she now only solo dives, unless on vacation.
Just know your dive site to dive it by boat solo, thats all there is to it period

Happy Diving