Mark Michaud SELAUSAR
Who said anything about legislating things? Or being "dependent" on someone else? There are a lot of things I can by myself, but having someone else to assist me can make matters considerably easier. Does that mean I'm "dependent" on the other person?
I look at solo cave diving the way GUE looks at CCR and sidemount. It's a technique to be applied to certain circumstances where the risks of diving WITH a buddy outweight the risks of doing without. Those dives represent a very small fraction of the cave diving that is out there to be done. For dives where it is feasible, better risk mitigation ought to be employed.
Nobody ought to be diving in a cave if they are dependent on someone else to execute the dive safely. There's a difference between dependence and insurance. I like insurance.
I clarified the first paragraph to reflect that you were not going that way. I went that way as kind of a catch all. I think, in the current day, people tend to feel if something goes wrong it has to be the other persons fault. Heck look at the Wes Skiles suit that was filed. You and I agree more than we disagree and it wasn't my intent to say otherwise.
I think writing with our own perspectives we tend to read how we each perceive an issue. I do prefer solo diving. I also believe, philosophically speaking, "I am my Brothers Keeper". I still give you the choice to make any decision you wish as long as it does not harm me. If you are hung up in something, a buddy is indeed a better option to get untangled. Being solo I have to keep in mind, slow and methodical so I don't make a mess. Both are legitimate styles of diving except where restricted by ordinance.
Both have a lot of self initiated responsibility. If I dive solo I am responsible to get my butt home safely for my family and loved ones. When diving with a buddy, I feel a responsibility to get you home to your family and loved ones. However, I don't relieve you, or you me, of the responsibility to get yourself home no matter who we dive with.
We do disagree in the usage of solo vs buddy. I like a good long solo dive in a big cave, not just small passages as my goal is not mission or task oriented. I am months from being 50. My "labs" are great. I am not a gym rat, but I am still in good shape. A medical event is less likely because of that, but of course, not out of the question. My skills and implementation of my plan are my responsibility to keep safe.
As far as goal or mission oriented dives, GUE and WKPP made huge safety strides in just that. Making a solid team and reducing risks is great for full time teams and goal oriented teams. From there we adapt our methods with the dive we are making.
I apologize if you took my comments wrong. I only meant to cover a bigger picture as less experienced cave divers are reading this and I do feel strongly about personal responsibility. That was imparted to me early on and I feel that is important to note when I have the opportunity. Mark