I upgraded from JASC Paintshop Pro 8 to Paintshop Pro 9 recently. They added some new filters in, its a bit of an improvement over 8. I've also verified that it will read the Olympus raw format out of the box. I think it can be had for less than $100.
As far as how long it takes to edit your photos - if you take enough pictures, it takes a long time to go through them all. The trick is to get a feel for whether a picture is really going to improve much if you do any editing on it. Once you know the limits of your photo processing software, you'll know whether its worth it to spend a lot of time on a shot. You may still keep the shot around, just keep in mind that it may not be perfect. I've got tons of subpar shots that are still fun to look at as a reminder of things that I've seen. Diskspace is cheap these days. The other thing about keeping some shots around is that you never know what improvements might come along in the future so you can recover a shot. This is also the primary reason that I always keep the originals - once you've modified it, new software can't do much for you.
As far as how long it takes to edit your photos - if you take enough pictures, it takes a long time to go through them all. The trick is to get a feel for whether a picture is really going to improve much if you do any editing on it. Once you know the limits of your photo processing software, you'll know whether its worth it to spend a lot of time on a shot. You may still keep the shot around, just keep in mind that it may not be perfect. I've got tons of subpar shots that are still fun to look at as a reminder of things that I've seen. Diskspace is cheap these days. The other thing about keeping some shots around is that you never know what improvements might come along in the future so you can recover a shot. This is also the primary reason that I always keep the originals - once you've modified it, new software can't do much for you.