Socorro Aggressor?

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We've just sent out a press release today about this new liveaboard.

The Socorro Aggressor is a 135 ft long yacht, designed with safety and stability in mind and has a wide beam - making her ideal for sea crossings for Socorro and Guadalupe. This yacht accommodates 26 guests, with 13 master and deluxe staterooms that all have air conditioning, a porthole view window, hair dryer and en-suite bathroom. You can check out the Socorro Aggressor's other facilities on our website as of today.

The yacht will run these safaris:

Socorro Islands 8-day safaris from November to May
Guadalupe 5-day safaris from August to October (surface & submersible cages)

She launches with the first Socorro Islands safari on Christmas Day 2018.

Socorro Aggressor safaris can be booked from now onwards.

Socorro Aggressor Layout Diagram.png


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Word of warning to anyone interested in booking Soccorro Aggressor. This boat is operated by the infamous Cantamar, aka Buceo y Servicio BCS, aka Pedro Aguilar, aka bad air.

I live at Cantamar, and have since 2015. I can tell you that you should NOT book or go on Soccorro Aggressor without a doubt. The attached photograph shows a recent effort by Cantamar's local dive service to avoid federal safety regulations. Rather than, say, asking me (I could have gotten one that day...) for a flotation device to meet the requirements of the Navy who inspected them recently, they instead MADE a flotation device, or rather, something that APPEARED to be a flotation device, with the sole purpose of being to avoid being inspected for safety.

However; this "inundation device" is precisely that. It is so heavy that it bends the structure of the shadecloth. It took six people to move this "flotation device" from out back where it was made of fiberglass, to it's precarious perch on the top of one of their big local dive boats.

But this isn't the biggest reason folks, this is only the LATEST reason. Last November or so, we witnessed the aftermath of the first voyage of what was then Cassiopeia, in which their new dive master, from Spain, was severely injured after falling out of a dinghy. While some may know that this happened, no one, not even X-Ray Magazine, who were given the facts, reported these facts: the divemaster was not trained to use the dinghy, was essentially forced to use it by Pedro himself, and he did not have a dead-man's key attached to his person. I witnessed the events unfold, intervened, and I SAVED THAT MAN'S LIFE! This is no exaggeration. I applied a triangle bandage tourniquet over the loose t-shirt applied by Cantamar's incompetent and untrained staff, stopping the profuse bleeding. I then provided a trauma dressing, and shock blanket, while the ambulance took 40 minutes to arrive. Cantamar had only a small first-aid kit, and absolutely no training. They did not save that man's life, they would have killed him had I not been there. While I do not regret saving an individual life, I do regret that further lives are now in jeopardy because my actions prevented a disaster which would have given this place the proper scrutiny it requires.

This does of course beg the question as to how this facility is able to operate if it is so dangerous. For that, one must be aware of the nature of the corruption in Baja California Sur, home of La Paz, which is host to Cantamar and home of Pedro Aguilar. The corruption in Baja California Sur is different from the rest of Mexico. Elsehwere, corruption is about drugs. In La Paz, it is about tourism and property. And tourism businesses, even those who damage the environment (Cantamar spills diesel daily and has oil-filled bilges which they dump at the islands, we have photographic evidence, look for videos on Youtube under Cantamar) are protected by the local government. Pedro operates Cantamar, the physical facilities in La Paz, in order to launder the $250,000USD/month he makes from Cassiopeia/Soccorro Aggressor (that's according to the employees here who freely told us they don't pay taxes and launder money through the hotel!) and so he can do favors for local politicians, and those who threaten his business because he is in violation. In truth, there is never any possibility that this place can be shut down. Pedro just has to pay bribes, and he can continue to operate with impunity.

Meanwhile, since arriving at Cantamar on 13 August, 2015, I have watched Pedro not only destroy his own business, but contribute significantly to the drop in tourism to Mexico as a whole. And it's no wonder: what with a chinese tourist cut up by a propellor from an idiot boat driver who left it running while divers went into the water; to the number of tourists I have personally heard say they would never come back to Mexico thanks to their experience at Cantamar. And now, on the busiest weekend of the entire year, Cantamar, a sprawling resort and hotel with beach, restaurant, marina, and ample busy, oh yes, there are people here: family and friends...of Cantamar employees. Oh, and a couple of gringos who couldn't possibly know this place is as bad as it is because Trip Advisor took down my review because, as they said, I'm not a "normal client."

AVOID SOCCORRO AGGRESSOR. It's a (deadly) accident waiting to happen.


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I read your review above with a grain of salt as it seems that there is some sort of ax to grind here. However, if there is indeed a connection between this boat and Cantamar that is good to know.
I read your review above with a grain of salt as it seems that there is some sort of ax to grind here. However, if there is indeed a connection between this boat and Cantamar that is good to know.

Yes, I do have an ax to grind. I live on a sailboat. The ocean is my home. This facility pollutes my home with diesel so it can take divers out and toss them in the water and take them back out a few hours later, damn the diesel and coolant coming from the bilges. And the local government, corrupted by an American 40 years ago, fully supports this business, which factually harms tourism here and throughout Mexico, as exemplified by the Chinese tourist who was injured by Cantamar being the LAST Chinese tourist we've seen in La Paz (for two years now!), and the many people who we here say will never come back to MEXICO after their experience with Cantamar.

I'm sorry if my post had a personal bent to it. Yes, I am upset. But I have every right to be. As an example of how childish this man is, I finally managed to get a condominium so I could move off and repair the damage this marina did to my boat when they 'forgot" to retape the physical ground to the wires layed out on the top of the docks in the marina (look in my gallery: Index of Pictures for the electrical from 17 Nov 2017). I had already gotten use of a shop so I could make repairs, but needed the condo too. That was 18 months ago. Well, I finally got use of a condo from a gringo who owes me a great deal of money, and Pedro, the owner and operator of Cassiopeia/Cantamar, had his mainteance guys disconnect the power to the entire shop, which they still use!

This guy is a child. He should be spanked, not allowed to operate a boat. If you knew as much as I did about this man, you would likely do a lot more to and about him than I have. I have my health to worry about first, and corruption in this country second.

Please feel free to review my website. If you have any questions, please post them here and I will TRY to return to respond.


  • 20171117_132939.jpg
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I read your review above with a grain of salt as it seems that there is some sort of ax to grind here. However, if there is indeed a connection between this boat and Cantamar that is good to know.

A link between Cantamar and Cassiopeia/Soccorro Aggressor:


  • 20181030_095355.jpg
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Well I just got back from a week on the Socorro Aggressor and it was FANTASTIC... The diving, the food and drink and the crew were all AMAZING - I am posting up my video in a separate thread. Shame on you for trashing them.

There are NO SAFETY CONCERNS on the socorro aggressor.
There are NO SAFETY CONCERNS on the socorro aggressor.

The 2 trips after your May 2019 trip had even worse mechanical issues than your trip. (They also cancelled the Xmas 2018 trip due to mechanical failures requiring dry docking).
They lost an engine at sea.
They couldn't fix it and my trip was cancelled.
All the trips for the rest of the summer were cancelled.

The boat was poorly maintained, they knew they had major problems on multiple voyages, they tried to keep it hidden until they couldn't, and they were going to go out to sea if they could.

See my post in your thread with the details: My Week on The Socorro Aggressor
Well I just got back from a week on the Socorro Aggressor and it was FANTASTIC... The diving, the food and drink and the crew were all AMAZING - I am posting up my video in a separate thread. Shame on you for trashing them.

There are NO SAFETY CONCERNS on the socorro aggressor.
Hi @mcohen1021

I just read your review in the other thread My Week on The Socorro Aggressor The bad and the ugly seem quite significant. You're lucky you were able to complete the trip. @TheAvatar was not so lucky.

I've only been out on 6 liveaboards, Red Sea x2, Cocos, Galapagos, Cayman, and Los Revillagigedos. All these trips were very considerably smoother than yours. My most recent trip to Los Revillagigedos on the Nautilus Explorer, was absolutely flawless. Thinking back, I'm glad the Socorro Aggressor was not yet in service when I arranged my trip on the Explorer.

Edit: There are no posts in the Socorro Aggressor Captain's Logs since March 19. The boat went into dry dock on May 22, sounds like a good idea.
Yes, we were not sure if we were going to complete the trip.

Now after the California boat caught fire, I am thanking God we did not catch fire. I actually have a video of the short circuiting of the lights, I am sure Aggressor would not appreciate if I posted it.

Someone said something about this boat being repurposed or Canadian, it is not. On our boat were 17 Hungarians who told me the boat used to be on the Red Sea, and the electrical sockets definitely support it.

Maybe the guy in the thread bashing Cantamar had valid complaints/concerns.
Yes, we were not sure if we were going to complete the trip.

Now after the California boat caught fire, I am thanking God we did not catch fire. I actually have a video of the short circuiting of the lights, I am sure Aggressor would not appreciate if I posted it.

Someone said something about this boat being repurposed or Canadian, it is not. On our boat were 17 Hungarians who told me the boat used to be on the Red Sea, and the electrical sockets definitely support it.

Maybe the guy in the thread bashing Cantamar had valid complaints/concerns.

Thank you for your trip report and sorry to hear about the issues that you had. I guess I am just confused as to why you would write:

"There are NO SAFETY CONCERNS on the socorro aggressor."

when you write that you are glad that you didn't catch fire above (wow) and also the following in your trip report (bold emphasis mine):
"The Bad:

1. The boat itself: It is in need of cosmetic fixing up… some flooring, carpet, plumbing work is needed.
2. The boat anchor – the winch broke while we were at San Benedicto on the 1st day, and after a few attempts to rig a new pin, no dice, option 2 was under way. The rigged several large plastic gas cans and a 55 gal barrel to use as lift bags and got the anchor about 2’ up from the bottom, so now it was up to option 3, which was to use the rear winch, 15’ ft at a time. (WTF???)
3. Meanwhile, there was an electrical short circuit that took out all the boat’s electric grid… So the winch would not work until the electrical was fixed.
. We then had the come to Jesus speech to set trip expectations, as to whether we’d continue on the trip or head home… Ugghh
5. After the electrical was repaired, they started immediately working on raising the anchor. We were soon on our way to Roca Partida, the trip was saved.

Now you know why I said the engineer was awesome – he is stubborn and determined to never give up. He literally saved our trip.

The Ugly:

1. After the electric was fixed, we still were without AC overnight and the majority of the next day
2. We were unable to anchor the boat the remainder of the trip due to not having a properly functioning anchor. With the boat drifting, this made for the long to/from taxi rides to the reef."


Would you mind elaborating here on how there are no safety concerns? I am a bit lost with the logic/contrast with your comments. I understand that things happen on boats but this boat sounds like it was never ready to set sail and is in need of some serious work. Doesn't sound too safe to me.

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