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Olympic II, Eureka oil platform, Elly oil platform - 5-Sept-2020

Dive 1- Olympic II
Avg Temp - 56
Max Depth - 94 ft
Avg Depth - 90ft
Dive Time - 38
Vis - 30+

Thanks to outstanding crew of the Pacific Star, we were able to get an anchor into the bow section of the Olympic II wreck. I had not been on the wreck before but was pleasantly surprised by the surviving structure and animal life. Chilly but excellent vis. The choice of this dive site was excellent and allowed for us to do our surface interval enroute to the first of the oil platforms. Sadly non of the rumored resident wolf eels were out, did see a large sculpin (and not of the Ballast Point brewery variety).

Dive 2 - Eureka oil platform
Avg Temp - 57
Max Depth - 117 ft
Avg Depth - 63ft
Dive Time - 45
Vis – 40+/20+

While I’ve done dives with no practical bottoms before, this was my first trip to the oil rigs. We headed down to the “lower” level at approx 115. The viz was excellent and we stayed as long as our NDLs would let. The rigs were teaming with bristle stars, large garibaldi, and some iNeedToDoMoreResearch Sea Stars. Minding our NDLs we ascended and hung out at the “higher” platforms. Here there was more structure to duck through but visibility suffered.

Dive 3 - Elly oil platform
Avg Temp - 55
Max Depth - 111 ft
Avg Depth - 65ft
Dive Time - 42
Vis – 60+/20+

There be viz down here! The surface had a strong current but descending once again to the lower and colder structure gave an immediate reward. While dark we were treated to some amazing viability. The platform super structure down here wasn’t as dense as on Eureka but still a diver’s paradise. Once again we hung around as long as safely could before enjoying the higher levels in slightly warmer waters but with less visibility. Some other divers on the boats reported having a sea lion come up to them and interact with them for a good 2-3 minutes, we weren’t so fortunate.

Overall a great day, a great escape to the heat wave, on one of Southern California’s finest dive boats the Pacific Star. Certainly not a dive for beginner divers or those struggling with buoyancy but for those that can safely make the trip a great way to add variety to the normal dive sites.
Anacapa Island on The Spectre – 9/4/20

A little late review but figured better than late then never! Several friends and I went out about a week a half ago on the Spectre. We anticipated some green in the water but were pleasantly surprised by the viz overall. And in some spots the water was actually blue!

One item to note for the Spectre; while the hot tub being closed due to covid was expected, they are also not doing their bbqs right now either. As always, the crew was on point and great dives, though I did miss having some tri tip for lunch. Oh and I’m stealing @azstinger11 writing style for this report

Dive 1- Gold Fish Bowl
Avg Temp - 67
Max Depth – 33 Ft
Avg Depth - 20ft
Dive Time – 49 minutes
Vis – 25-30 ft

Not very deep waters for our first dive but wow, that viz though! It was absolutely beautiful in the kelp forest with many Sheepsheads, Calico, Garibaldi and Blacksmiths buzzing about. Apparently, this area is open to hunting when allowed, which explains why there were very few Lobsters and the ones we did see were tiny. Noticed multiple snail looking creatures living on the Kelp stalks which I don’t recall seeing as often in prior dives.

Dive 2- Cat Rock
Avg Temp - 66
Max Depth – 45 Ft
Avg Depth - 40ft
Dive Time – 41 minutes
Vis – 20-30 ft

Visibility was still relatively nice over on the west side of the island, though sea life was not quite as abundant on this dive. Water was also cooler than the first dive. Computer said it was only 1 degree less but it felt more than that. It may have also been due to me not wearing a hood for this dive. The real prize for this dive was a Giant Sea Bass sighting. This guy was moving solo and was on the bigger side of some of the one’s I’ve seen at Anacapa. Some other divers frow another group got a bit too close though and spooked him off. The sound of his tail when he swam away sounded like a belt cracking under water. Their strength is impressive.

Dive 3- Sea Lion Beach
Avg Temp - 66
Max Depth – 18 Ft
Avg Depth - 10ft
Dive Time – 19 minutes
Vis – 10 ft

While its always fun to swim with Sea Lions, its not always the best in murky visibility. By the time we got in the water, the swell had picked up considerably. This was essentially a beach dive from a boat. There is something a bit spooky about having limited viz and then seeing 4-5 sea lions swim right above your head. Didn’t stay in the water too long for this dive. If the viz was better, likely would’ve stayed under longer.

All in all, it was a very pleasant dive. Best conditions I’ve had this year at the islands. I’ve uploaded a few pics from our first two dive sites. All my pics from the third dive unfortunately came out very blurry.

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Dove Harrison's Reef at County Line last night. Got in the water right after sunset. Surface was a bit choppy from wind, and the area in front of the condos was a bit wash machine-like. But once on the outside and underwater, the viz was good and surge was only moderate at times. Temp was 67. Outgoing tide. 90mins underwater.

Spotted about 6-7 octopuses. Lots of lobster that were just under legal size; 2 keepers on the night. Saw possibly the biggest horn shark I've ever seen. Also saw a leopard shark swimming around mid water over the reef, which to me was cool since I've seen them resting on the bottom except for one other time during a day light dive.

Love those flood lights that makes your exit in front of the houses easy.
Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach - 29-October-2020

Time: 52 mins
Avg Temp - 63f
Max Depth - 33ft
Viz - 25ft av.

Now is a great time to dive Laguna Beach. The water is a few degrees cooler than last week but was still fantastic.


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Went out for a beach dive yesterday morning at Treasure Island (in front of the Montage Resort) here in Laguna Beach. Visibility was 25' and water 62 F. Got out to about 45 feet. Giant lobster everywhere (but they got the memo that it is now a MLPA Reserve so they just walk up to you and stare for a while). :) Saw a school of perhaps 500 small Barracuda. Nothing vintage today. Used my Atomic B2 that I just rebuilt. Those are amazingly good breathing regs. Must have hit a button because my GoPro snapped the following stealth pic of me exiting the water. Not sure when I got old but there I am. :) Mark

Went back to dive Treasure Island again yesterday. It's the cove below my house so highly convenient. :crafty:
Temp: 62 F; Max Depth: 40 feet; Visibility: 20 feet. Saw all the usual stuff. Playing around with a new video editing program so I took the GoPro images from my dive yesterday and made the following 2 1/2 minute video. Still working out the kinks in my learning curve on the program but thought I'd share. Everyone stay safe! Mark

[And yes, I do realize my regulator is riding too high, but sometimes s**t happens. :) ]

Went back to dive Treasure Island again yesterday. It's the cove below my house so highly convenient. :crafty:
Temp: 62 F; Max Depth: 40 feet; Visibility: 20 feet. Saw all the usual stuff. Playing around with a new video editing program so I took the GoPro images from my dive yesterday and made the following 2 1/2 minute video. Still working out the kinks in my learning curve on the program but thought I'd share. Everyone stay safe! Mark

Thanks for sharing. I like the school of barracuda that you captured on video. I was out at Shaws the day before. I'm going to share your video to my two friends that were snorkeling above (they're going to start taking their open water class soon) while my buddy and I were diving.
No dive report yet, but I was able to see the bottom pretty clearly in Avalon while disembarking from the ferry, which I think is 6 m / 20 ft. So the vis is very good to excellent by my Monterey standards. Swell was 1 ft. at the Dr. Bill Point, so looks like a great time to dive.

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