Maybe it's seeing all the innocent people being killed over it in this country that has me unconvinced that it "harms no one". As for being reformed - nope just common sense. Here it's illegal. As an instructor I would reject a student if I found out they were using and if they had already started the class when they showed up the next time they'd be told they were done and to get out before the cops removed them. Use of mind altering substances and diving do not mix. That kind of judgment and attitude gets people kicked out of my classes.
I cultivate my own herb. I abhor the criminality associated with drug pushing gangs who are also involved with mass illegal DVD and music copying. Incidentally, do you check the copyright of all your open water student's music and film collections?
Of course diving and mind altering substances don't mix - just as flying to 10,000 feet and diving don't mix. The key here is that marijuana, as does every other drug, has a half-life which means it is metabolised and eliminated from the body. Obviously, you wouldn't smoke a joint just before a dive, just as you wouldn't drink a quart of vodka before a dive.
Don't get too hung up on the legalities.
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