Smoking Protocols on Dive Boats?

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I do, however, firmly believe that we also have a responsibility to not impose our habits on those who choose not to indulge.

Freedom ... responsibility ... mutual respect. It's a package deal. Can't have one without having them all.... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I'm right there with you Bob. When I was a smoker, and whenever I smoke on dive boats, if the opportunity did not present itself for me to smoke without burdening those who were around me, I wouldn't, especially if asked nicely. On the other hand, if someone came of their mouth like a smartalick with me, as they did with Don, or convinently rinsed out their gear in my direction, I would have still put it out, but not without some friendly confrontation.

I smoke, but not on dive boats. Lets face it, it's not the healthiest habit. The very least I can do is give myself a break while breathing bottled air! If you can't go a few hours without a smoke, perhaps you shouldn't be diving. Just my $.02............
Let's look at this in perspective. There are literally dozens of acknowledged addictions out there. Why is smoking so special? Take the above reference to tossing butts anywhere they please - why is that any more acceptable than tossing candy wrappers, beer bottles, or used syringes, the detritus of other popular addictions, all over the place? Workplaces set up designated places for smoking - why not bars for the alcoholics, orgy rooms for the sex addicts, and little casinos for the compulsive gamblers? In other words, why, in this society that seems positively riddled with addictions, are people expected to go eight hours a workday without indulging their habits, EXCEPT for the smoking one?
Let's have a little equality.

Amen brother. Reminds of a Job I had once where I would come to work 15 or 20 minutes late sometimes and the boss would chew my ass for not being on time. My reply was that a fellow employee took smoke breaks all day long and there was more time wasted with his smoking than my tardiness at work and when he stopped taking smoke breaks Id start coming in on time. It pissed my boss off so much I ended up getting fired. (but of course, it had NOTHING to do with that.. yeah right) In the end, It was for the better. I ended up starting my own company and within the first year I almost doubled my old salary. Every path in life has a reason. You just need to follow it.

Someone once told me that smoking and religion (among others) were crutches for the mind, only used by the weak minded. I have to agree with that. Do you notice people really like to smoke when they are stressed out? Smoking is a addiction. When you have reached a state of well being within yourself you will not have any addictions nor crutches. If people want to smoke, that is fine with me, just dont subject it to myself. If you show a ounce of respect and try to respect others wishes then that is fine for me. I agree with the smokers that say that they dont understand how others always try to push their views onto the smokers. Let each person have their own view, without trying to convert either side. Just show some respect and we can both get along.
I have a boat. Sometimes people ask me about smoking. I always
say it's OK as long as they are fully to lee of everyone and everything it's Ok. My boat is a sailboat so the wind can come from any diraction
so sometimes they can't get downwind, then they don't smoke.

I think you should have looked down wind before lighting up and
seen if there were people there.

But as long as you can smoke in a way that has zero effect on others
I don't see a problem with it.
Someone once told me that smoking and religion (among others) were crutches for the mind, only used by the weak minded.

I'd like to respectfully ask you to leave any derogatory comments about religion out of this conversation. I don't need to hear what other people think of me because I keep the faith. Since we are on the topic of "offensive behaviors".

As far as smoking on a dive boat goes, I could care less either way. I used to smoke, and it doesn't bother me when other people do around me now. I had to quit when I met my wife because she literally will get sick to her stomach if she is exposed to smoke for too long. She goes out of her way to avoid it as much as possible. So we look specifically for non-smoking environments to conduct our activities.

However, if we are in a place where smoking is allowed, it's allowed. We back off into our corner and let the smokers have theirs. No big deal. If my wife starts feeling ill and we can't get any farther away, only then would I probably tell the smokers what's up, and ASK them for their help, but I'd never dream to TELL someone not to do something they are allowed to do.

The only time someone wasn't nice about it, they quit smoking and became very apologetic when my wife started heaving over the side. Most people are pretty nice, when you get down to it. Sometimes you just have to dig deeper than others.

If you CHOOSE to participate in something where smoking is allowed, you have to respect everyone's right to do what is allowed there. Or you can CHOOSE not to participate.
And as for the post by much time did you waste thinking up that crap, sad....smoke fills, smoke suits....
Sorry, Oleras, just saw this.

To answer your question, not much time at all. You might consider me a smart-alek prodigy :D At least that's what all my teachers thought.

Maybe I should have just said "Lighten Up!". But I didn't want to risk a misunderstanding and have you guys run out and actually Light Ten Up.

Thanks for your concern about my time.
"You may smoke so long as you do not ignite your neighbor."

After 30 years as a non-smoker I've tried to live by that rule. Smoke if you want, just don't set me on fire. This is America and you're rights are as important to me as my own.

Smoke away.
Its a shame people cant act like adults.I agree with you 100% Don,its not that she wanted you to put it out its that she was snotty about it.Hope it wasnt her you were helping with gear and boarding.Most people would'nt have been as nice about ti as you were Don

Lets quit talkin and log some bottom time :crafty:
Lets quit talkin and log some bottom time :crafty:

So - what happened to the list of Non-Smoking Dive Boats...?! :10:

One big challenge there is the Skippers and crew have to all be non-smokers, but the nons usually don't want to pay extra to make up for missed business... :11:

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