[...]Why did Poseidon and Conshelf have (non-compressible) liquid containers for their environmental chamber if all you have to do is increase the (air) pressure inside the environmental chamber?
I do not disagree that pressure increases in the environmental chamber as the bubble collapses. But I don't think it causes a 1:1 increase in absolute IP.
My opinion is that due to diaphragm thickness and elastic forces in the main diaphragm, the increasing air pressure which collapses the bubble in the environmental chamber isn't transmitted to the pin, but is resisted by the diaphragm.[...]
I apologize for the tangent and long post that has not much to do with the original thread, but I feel like it is an important concept to understand.
This is a difficult topic to wrap ones head around. I do not find it all that intuitive, but find that looking at the physics and drawings certainly helps.
Looking at a environmentally sealed diaphragm, it becomes clear that once the ambient pressure pushes onto the diaphragm, that force is further transmitted to the transducer, which in turn presses onto the main diaphragm:
Now it is often asserted that the transducer is necessary for the transmission of pressure, but that is false. It is necessary in a very special sense, but the need to transfer pressure isn't really the main issue.
If we look at an unsealed diaphragm first stage, it is exactly identical to a sealed one, except for the missing transducer and outer diaphragm. Clearly there is no pressure transducer involved pressing onto the main diaphragm, yet the ambient pressure suffices.
There is often a disconnect introduced here, where in the sealed version, that very same pressure wouldn't suffice anymore. If we imagine a sealed version with the pressure transducer removed, but a suitable flexible diaphragm, it becomes clear that there isn't really any difference between the sealed and unsealed version. The pressure on the outside of the outer diaphragm will be equal to the pressure between the diaphragms.
It is obvious that by removing the outer diaphragm there wouldn't be any change in pressure whatsoever and we would be left with an unsealed design. However, we must also acknowledge that there is no difference between air pressure or water pressure. Either will act onto the main diaphragm the same way.
So why the need for the pressure transducer?
The answer is rather simple. Imagine the pressure in our above picture would increase, let's say to 2bar. Without a pressure transducer, the volume of the chamber would be half of what it was before. And there just isn't enough space for the diaphragm to flex into. It would bump into the rest of the mechanism.
The engineer must make sure that pressure is transmitted from the outer diaphragm to the inner diaphragm and he must do so while keeping the volume between the two diaphragms as a
semi-rigid container. As we saw above, if we treated it as a
flexible container, there wouldn't be any space for the diaphragm to flex into and at a certain point it will collide with the bias spring and its retainer. The engineer can achieve this rigid container requirement by either filling the space with an in-compressible liquid, or by throwing an in-compressible part, like the pressure transducer between the two diaphragms.
The result is the same. We end up with a volumetric space as small as possible and a outer diaphragm that flexes rather little. Once it touches the transducer, it doesn't really flex at all anymore, but rather pushes on the transducer. More importantly, the pressure inside the ambient chamber between the two diaphragms is fixed at a certain pressure (Within limits, due to the diaphragms slightly flexing at the edges, it is not a true rigid container). That means that counterintuitively, the pressure inside the ambient chamber of a diaphragm regulator,
does not change with depth!
We can easily imagine a design where the need for an in-compressible liquid or pressure transducer does not apply. But these are purely imaginative. We could for example elongate the chamber between the two diaphragms to an absurd amount. This would give the diaphragm enough room to flex:
Now I said before these are purely theoretical. First no one wants to lug a huge chunk of brass like this around. Secondly, there isn't really a material that would be sturdy, yet flexible enough for an outer diaphragm like this.