Allison Finch
Curt Bowen:I have seen many cases of skin bends, santa claus bends, and weakness bends in extreme deep cave exploration. I recommend treatment for all types of DCI in a professional hyperbaric treatment facility.
This is what we do in the field.
Normally we do nothing (no treatment) about skin bends (red rash on the skin) normally caused in places where a dry suit restricts blood flow for underwater exposures of 3-7 hours. These rashes normally go away after 12-48 hours.
Santa Claus bends are more serious and cause water retention in the belly fat around the waist. I have never gotten Santa Claus bends, but a friend of mine has many times. He has never gotten treatment except more inwater decompression on oxygen and a few days of rest.
NOTE: Inwater recompression is not a recommended decompression treatment.
Weakness Bends, Many dives you can have small signs of possible DCS, such as tingling in the fingers, weakness in hands, and shoulders. These signs normally go away within 3 days. Again, we normally seek no treatment for weakness bends.
Disclaimer: These are not the recommended treatments for DCI, Please contact DAN if you feel you have any symptoms of DCI. Curt Bowen, Advanced Diver Magazine, nor its staff recommends any other recompression treatment other than in a qualified recompression facility.
Note: Deep cave exploration should only be conducted by properly trained divers with vast amounts of experience.
You're right in saying that this is NOT what DAN would suggest. Their evidence suggests that some skin bends occur concurrently with a more serious CNS hit. How do YOU know this is not the case if you decide not to treat at all?