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The K & Rick -

I know you guys do a yeoman's job on scubaboard, and I don't want to diminish that at all. It's just that this board is such a great resource, and it can be frustrating to be denied all the knowledge that is contained here. I'm sure you guys are just as frustrated as the rest of us if not more when the server can't be reached. My feathers are unruffled now and I'm sure I'll be back on the board real soon. (like in 3 hours when this law school exam is over) :(
My biggest frustration is the Board not running quite right.

We have 4 servers that run everything. They are ALL dual xeon processors from 2.6 thru 3.0 gHz in speed with anything from 2 to 4 Gigs of memroy on each server. If they tell me to add another server, trust me I WILL!

Fortunately, one of the developers/gurus of vBulletin has agreed to ferret out our issues. He is not only capable but dilligent. I hope to have a solution implemented SOON!
The K & Rick -

I know you guys do a yeoman's job on scubaboard, and I don't want to diminish that at all. It's just that this board is such a great resource, and it can be frustrating to be denied all the knowledge that is contained here. I'm sure you guys are just as frustrated as the rest of us if not more when the server can't be reached. My feathers are unruffled now and I'm sure I'll be back on the board real soon. (like in 3 hours when this law school exam is over) :(

Where I work, I need all eight of my computers to be running to work effectively. As you can guess, I have learned to grin and chuckle when one (or more) is down, and wait for the IT guys to ferret out their slide rules from their pocket protectors and get things running again.

ScubaBoard going down just gives me another excuse to go diving! :D

Thanks, NetDoc for being on top of these issues!
Hey, have we been up all day?! :cheering:
Thank you, NetDoc for all that you do behind the scenes, to keep this place up and running. A big thumbs-up to you! :)'re a diver now...Thumbs up is an ending event...:D :D you the BIG OK...:D :D
Rick Inman:
this board is not upgraded because the massive surplus of generated funds is dispersed greedily among the Moderators.

Hey, can I be a moderator too? Do you get free gear too? And trips? Huh? Huh? Do ya? Do ya? :bounce:
Minnesota, I notice you have very few posts so you may not be aware that The Kraken and I get along quite well. I didnt take his comments to heart, after all I am a Supporting Member, but more importantly I understand technology very well. there was no reason for The K to apologise (hehe).

The J

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