Sinus troubles

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It originally was a greenish yellow but not its more of a whiteish clear. Im going to stop by a clinic first thing in the morning. Thanks for all the advice. Ill let you know what the doc says tommorow
If it's not a cold or illness, this may be a long shot, but I learned the hard way that my wheat allergies create congestion for me. I blew too hard to equalize and sent mucous into my inner ears. Didn't even know I was congested. 7 specialist visits later, I have had ear problems ever since. I do use Afrin and it helps. Sudafed, too.

I began having a host of problems, uncomfortable though not quite equating illness. Still, doctors misdiagnosed continuously. Had lunch with someone who wouldn't order pizza. She started talking about her wheat allergy symptoms and it was all too familiar. This was in the late 90's...before 'everyone' was gluten intolerant. She suggested I go about 5 days with no wheat and then try a meal of pasta and garlic bread. She was right. My tinitis (ringing of the ears) back then ever stopped. That was due to wheat. I still binge sometimes, but not when diving.

You would be surprised what has wheat in it, too. Like soy sauce, etc. Don't know if this applies to you, but maybe it will apply to someone who reads this.
It originally was a greenish yellow but not its more of a whiteish clear. Im going to stop by a clinic first thing in the morning. Thanks for all the advice. Ill let you know what the doc says tommorow
What is helpful is knowing how long you've had the symptoms. For symptoms of pain/pressure around the face/eyes, thick/smelly discharge, congestion, etc., that last more than a week, your chances of having a sinus infection increase.

Definitely keep us posted. Good luck.
Ive been having some trouble with the sinuses lately usually i can still equalize but the last few days its been difficult. I dove with my school today (AAUS training through A&M) and wasn't able to equalize at all. Luckily we were just doing navigation work so i just didn't go deep. I'm supposed to be leaving Saturday for Florida for a week of diving. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this fast? Ive tried alot of the over the counter stuff and sinus rinses and nothing is seeming to work. Any suggestions?


For years I had what I blamed on a Sinus problem, bunged up and so on then last year I took up diving. In my first couple of dives I could equalize but on ascent would get a reverse blockage until a 'pop' and some bloody discharge from the nose.

I went to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist, and basically my problem was being caused by nasal polyps (small growths) in the nasal passages, swelling and causing minor or total blockages depending on the humidity and so on. I braved myself and had a few hours of surgery to remove them, and now use a saline irrigator (ie: a salt wash) .... and what a difference; air useage far lower, easy breathing, easy equalizing, no reverse blocks, no problem whatsoever now.

My advise forget the sprays and go and see a proper ENT specialist, and get it checked out and corrected.

See the ENT if you can. Also, you might find some relief from nasal irrigation. Check out this thread Shooting salt water.....

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

duplicate threads merged here
I see you posted in Medicine and that they moved the other one here as well. :cool3: of the last few days i haven't been able to equalize at all on the surface or in the water. One of the instructors mentioned it might be a sinus swelling that's blocking my eustachian tubes from equalizing
As suggested, it'd be best to see an ENT but if you can't in time, yeah see a physician and while you're there - get a note saying that you are too ill to fly. :pilot: This is a last recourse tool that I know that you don't want to use, but if this doesn't clear up in 3 days - you can probly get the airline to cancel the flights and allow full credit without penalty on using the ticket later for the same or different destination. Part of this sport is not diving or going when you are not healthy enough, altho I will do whatever it takes to prevent that. Only canceled diving once, sadly for the rest of a trip while on it.
The current meds ive tried for this is Claritin D, Sudafed, Musinex, Nasonex and I have the neti pot and use it regularly.
The reason I asked for drugs by name, not brand, is to prevent confusion, and you have the boxes there. Sudafed was named for pseudoephedrine for example but seldom has any in it now because of changes in laws. Since you're seeing a doc, be sure to give them the correct drugs.

Did you watch the video? I'd hate for you to miss the best part.

Many do like the N-Pot, including my home dive bud who always has ear problems and the esteemed Dr.Mike here. I got one and tried it several times and was "what?!" :dontknow: I get more benefit from a $1 bottle of sterile saline nose spray. If it's painful as mentioned in the "shooting saltwater" thread, that's usually natures way of saying "you idiot!" :silly:

Good luck. Hope you make your flights and dives but don't blow your ears trying. Some have and will never dive again. :sad: Treat your ears well while diving with a commercial swimmers ear product to prevent that problem too; I actually poured the product out of the bottle and replaced with equal parts of white vinegar and 50% alcohol as it works better but only has a 30 day use-by life, but use one early and often. I keep a bottle in my mask box, my shaving kit, and in my 3-1-1 bag.
See the ENT if you can. Also, you might find some relief from nasal irrigation. Check out this thread Shooting salt water.....


Deckn ~ or others with nasal sinus problems,

Following my earlier thread and having read the salt up the nose thread -- here is the gizmo I bought, basically like a little pump that blows the salt solution up one nostril and cleans you out. pulsatile nasal irrigator best thing I ever bought to get rid of sinus and nose breathing difficulties after the op I had.

I just got back from the doctors. They told me I have fluid behind my eardrum from my sinuses and mentioned that I could have Eustraction dysfunction. Its a free clinic but hey its free and my college pays for it. They gave my a round of Azithromycin and flonase and advised me to put off diving until it clears up. Good thing is we are driving to Florida and will be camping out at state parks the whole time so Ill be able to put off the diving for a few days, and get some hiking, caving, sight seeing etc in. Ill be in florida a week so hopefully this clears up pretty quickly. Thanks everyone for all your help
Great. Couldn't imagine anyone driving from Galveston around to Florida but that will be easier on your ears. It looks like Flonase is a nasal spray containing an corticosteriod antihistamine, and the mycin antibiotic will fight any bacterial problems in there. I'd still want to take decongestants with real pseudoephedrine but that's betwee you and your doc.

Hope the video helped. Have a great trip...!

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