Single CL

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Bled, Slovenia
I'd like to know if someone tried Frog RB. I'm still working on my DIY CCR and i'd like it as small as it can go. At first I intended to made dual overshoulder CL, but then i saw Frog design. Very nice and clean but I dont know about about the Wob

kavka once bubbled...
I'd like to know if someone tried Frog RB. I'm still working on my DIY CCR and i'd like it as small as it can go. At first I intended to made dual overshoulder CL, but then i saw Frog design. Very nice and clean but I dont know about about the Wob


While I was at Zero-G this year Leon from CustomRebreathers (meg) was diving a prototype single OTS lung (as a test for 2 independent loops).. He used it down to 300fsw, he said it did breathe harder than the dual design but felt it was acceptable because of what it will allow in redundancy (allowing to place to independent loops). And there is a shift in buoyancy on the side with the lung(roll effect) when exhaling/inhaling, atlthough overall buoyancy is unchanged. And remember since its a single lung this lung has to be larger than would be necessary on dual lungs
Hey dude....the group is really looking forward to your classes coming up in Feb I have been preping them by doing numerous 120 to 140 ft jumps with the units off of our coasts to get used to increased PN2's. Respond to my regular email account not this board.

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