Simple Pleasures

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100 - 199
OK, along the lines of the Romance thread, what are your simple pleasures?

I find these seem to be the things that make me happiest.

Watching my girls sleep.

Stroking the dogs or cats.

Listening to the birds in the morning, or crickets/frogs from my back deck.

A hot scented bath.

Human touch.

Norah Jones or Eva Cassidy. Pure clear music.

Good sheets. Clean and crisp.
smelling my wife's hair in bed

feeling Nigel the Deaf Cat on my neck in the morning

the last thirty minutes in bed before i have to get up and go to work

writing on my journal with my fountain pen

doing simple maintenance on my car or motorcycle

the smell of grease and oil

laying out my dive gear and going through it the night before a dive
I like when my husband cooks supper.

In fact my best pleasure is just being with him. Sounds corny but . . . what can I say?
Conversations with my daughter.

The first minute or so when I finally hit my bed.

The smell of fresh coffee and the first gulp of it.

Getting my gear ready and the feel of pure peace while underwater.

My cats and dog sitting by me peacefully.

A great big uncontrollable laugh for whatever the reason.

Having friends and family be there for you when it counts.

Music, music, music

When he runs his fingers through my hair
kristi hager:
Watching my girls sleep.
I totally agree - plus:

Getting the first morning smile from them.

Sunrises and sunsets.


Cherry Blossom.

Emptying my BCD at the start of a dive......(that sinking feeling)
my dog using me as a pillow

waking up next to hubby in a tent in the middle of nowhere

holding hands while diving in some exotic location
Having my husband come up behind me and wrap his arms around me.

A hug from my 14 yr old son.

Sitting on the front porch swing with a cup of coffee or glass of wine and listening to the birds and feeling the breeze.


Bare feet
... a hammock for 2

... curling up with a good pup

... the scent in the air after a rain

... the sounds of the ocean

Nice thread...thanks for making me slowdown & reflect.

SP :)
Snuggleing in bed late
puppy breath
a nice breeze during a afternoon nap
crawling into a clean sheets after a pedicure!
watching my granddaughter (11) scuba diving like a fish

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