Sign up to become a Member
Becoming a member of ScubaBoard is free and easy. This guide will make it even easier.
Select your username
It is a good idea think about the username you before starting the registration process. This thread may help:FAQ - Identity Theft & Internet Scams
Identity Theft & Internet Scams Protecting your legal name is the first line of defense against nefarious people trolling the internet for their next victim. You may want to think twice about using yours as you member name unless you have a compelling reason like running a dive charter service...
Step 1: Username, Required
You can register with Facebook or Twitter: Don't use Facebook to sign-in if you want to a username instead of your real name.
Enter your username: Note that names that are already taken, and therefore unavailable, are indicated as you type.
The red warning will disappear once the name is unique and available.
Step 2: Email address, Required. You will be sent an Email to confirm your registration that must be responded to before your registration is complete.
Step 3: Password, Required. Numbers, upper & lowercase letters, and most punctuation is allowed. OK, this isn't as important as a bank or digital currency account but unique and secure passwords are highly recommended. You will have the option to add Two Factor Authentication later.
Step 4: Date of birth, Required
A date of birth is required but you can choose to hide it. Entering an approximate date may tell readers your approximate age without risking identity fraud.
Step 5: Location, Required
No need to be too specific — and don't mention the key is under the mat.

Step 6: Diving Certification Agency. You may have several certifications so list the one you think is the most representative.
Step 7: Number of dives. Choose the one that best describes you or leave blank.
Step 8: Dive classification. Choose the one that best describes you or leave blank.
Step 9: Years certified as a diver. Choose the one that best describes you or leave blank.
Continued in the next post
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