Sig Line

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:huh: Is it fixed yet??
What seems to be broken?

I had a little weather indicator in my sig line for about two years that was a source of much amusement (and some consternation from those not living in a warm climate as I do) that just stopped working. I have asked why it isn't working but am yet to receive a good answer, instead I get links to seven page threads that have nothing to do with my question. Kind of irritating.
Ah, external links have been severely limited due to overloading issues on the DB server. Take heart, a new and much, much faster DB server has been ordered and should be up soon. Will this enable us to allow these types of links? We're not really sure! We might need multiple DB servers to provide the throughput needed to allow unfettered fun. Until then, we certainly don't want to crash the DB server repeatedly, so we have scaled back on what is allowed.
Ah, external links have been severely limited due to overloading issues on the DB server. Take heart, a new and much, much faster DB server has been ordered and should be up soon. Will this enable us to allow these types of links? We're not really sure! We might need multiple DB servers to provide the throughput needed to allow unfettered fun. Until then, we certainly don't want to crash the DB server repeatedly, so we have scaled back on what is allowed.

Thank you, while not what I wanted to hear, at least that was a lucid answer.
Not all blondes are created equal...:rofl3:
Nope. My towhead daughter had troubles in public school because she got bored (I so remember that from a generation earlier) but graduated the U with 3.5 in Spec Ed, picked the school she wanted while others were struggling to find any school. Lots of natural blonds in that house actually, but no lack of smarts.

Some blonds just ask for trouble, bringing it up if no one else does.
You're right; it has to be a conspiracy.
:wth: no more frowns? what do you have to do? :-(
You got no frowns?
Sad I am for you.

OMG :W-T-F: is gone too???
I remember when SB first changed to V-board and adopted the smilies that originally loaded with it. We had "family safe" rules for posting then, and this one smilie that sneaked in unnoticed for a while - but I think everyone was afraid to use it.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
"Words. Words. Words." Hamlet


Nope. My towhead daughter had troubles in public school because she got bored (I so remember that from a generation earlier) but graduated the U with 3.5 in Spec Ed, picked the school she wanted while others were struggling to find any school. Lots of natural blonds in that house actually, but no lack of smarts.

Some blonds just ask for trouble, bringing it up if no one else does.
You're right; it has to be a conspiracy.

You got no frowns?
Sad I am for you.

I remember when SB first changed to V-board and adopted the smilies that originally loaded with it. We had "family safe" rules for posting then, and this one smilie that sneaked in unnoticed for a while - but I think everyone was afraid to use it.

"Words. Words. Words." Hamlet



I've never seen that much gibberish in one post, congrats Don!!!!:dork2:

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