Haha I love all your comments.
Just for context/clarification:
1. working on my breathing and getting that SAC rate down has always been one of the first things to work on (next to trim, buoyancy control, efficient propulsion, safety).
2. I am the kind of guy that wants as rich as possible a view on a matter (or a choice) way before I really have to make that choice.
3. Thinking about this stuff (configurations, pros and cons, the gear that goes with it, the research) is part of the fun for me; so even if it's not yet 'relevant' for me now (in the strictest sense of the word), I still find this discussion valuable.
4. When it comes to the choice of SM vs BM, most cons of SM are related to getting in and out of the water; most cons of BM seem to relate to valve drills. Since I will need training and practice in either (SM or BM) and both (donning/doffing and safety drills, air sharing, etc.), that investment is not something that makes me sway either way (my philosophy: whatever you decide to go for, you need to be proficient and efficient at it - this goes for single tank recreational diving in 10 m of water too). For me, training and proper setup is a given, not a variable.
5. In my area and club, I have the opportunity to try out both, which I will definitely do.
What still intrigues me: backmount seems to be the standard/default. Many of you say that it is (explicitly or implicitly), though to me it still isn't clear why. Just because it's around for longer? Sidemount is still viewed by most as that specialist tool for a specific job. I understand that sidemount was developed out of necessity in restricted passages. But I like to look at configurations in the sense of what they actually are/offer in terms of opportunities rather than what they were originally designed for. I like to look at their features and properties, not their history.
And lastly... a '102' in all-of-the-world-outside-the-US speak that's something like a 15L tank, I think?