Suggestion Should we have a politics subforum?

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NE Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
many users (myself included) would like to discuss politics on our favorite board (i.e. ScubaBoard)

management feels, with reason, that politics may be too divisive and cause more grief than it is worth.

let's compromise. i propose the following:

1. a probationary Politics Subforum will be created. At any time management feels the forum is "more trouble than it's worth" it has the right to close it.

2. membership will be a privilege. you will opt in, and if you abuse the privilege, you will lose the ability to post. this way, we will weed out bad posters until only civil discourse remains.

3. TOS will be enforced by Mods as elsewhere on the board, with the exception that politics will be allowed. any personal attack, mean language, or any other violation of the TOS will result in your loss of posting privileges. at management discretion, your loss of posting privileges will be temporary or permanent. i suggest three temporary loss of posting privileges for the first three infractions. on the fourth infraction, you will lose your right to post on the forum.

4. the members themselves must police the forum to keep management's work load to a minimum. the members must stop those who break TOS and must refrain from responding in kind. it's our job to keep the forum open and earn management's trust.

what do you all think?
Again, any disccussion of whether or not to have a political forum or even allow discussion is not one that is going to be decided quickly or easily. It would involve a change to the ToS & that is not something that we enter into lightly.

quite rightly so
Oh c'mon don't think Andy knows 20,776 things about diving do you? Give the guy a break! :D

well, i went to a Pussycat Dolls concert last week and ... well... half my memory banks got wiped out

Did someone have a gun held on you?:11:
hmmm. The person who requests a politics forum is a pussycat dolls fan??? Somehow it figures. The depth of bad taste here must exceed the limits for advanced trimix.:eyebrow:

well, i went to a Pussycat Dolls concert last week and ... well... half my memory banks got wiped out

don't badmouth the Pussycat Dolls!!

I must admit....never heard of them...

That's what you get for getting old in Japan I guess....

i'm throwing the towel in with this thread as well

i'm very disapointed right now... my own fault, i guess

i'm throwing the towel in with this thread as well

i'm very disapointed right now... my own fault, i guess

As one who dissented - I would also ask that you be patient. You knew this would be a topic that would peak interest.

We were asked for our opinions and many have given them. A lot of folks are at Dema and are not able to read this thread and have yet to vote or comment.

You may still get your forum....
oh, no no...

i welcome all the opinons.. that's not what i mean

just stuff that happened on another thread; i guess i shouldnt' have mentioned it without being more explicit

anyway... this has been a good thread, i think

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