Should Children Dive?

Should Children Dive?

  • Children should dive

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Children should not dive

    Votes: 30 37.0%
  • Feel strongly both ways

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Only if parents are experienced divers

    Votes: 25 30.9%

  • Total voters

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daylight once bubbled...

The "Should kids dive?" question is like religion and politics. The best answer I've seen is "It depends". I've observed situations where Certified parents and children are all liabilities and scare me just seeing them in the water. On the other hand, I've seen Mom, Dad and the Kids function as a highly skilled dive team.
I approach Scuba Rangers from a different perspective than students wanting to become certified divers.
It's all fun.

Just my $.02.
I think this sums everything up...for me anyway. I love to see the kids learning young to enjoy scuba and gain skills. The answer, It Depends, I think is what it's all about :wink:

My thanks to all who have posted, or will yet post!
I intend to take him diving as soon as he gets his junior OW certification. I don't plan on instructing him myself (I taught my dad so I don't have an aversion to teaching relatives). I am concerned about his ability to get some kinds of critical information from his own father. I have the perfect instructor friend that I've chosen as a mentor for my son. I will however always be teaching him ongoing.

I should add how overwhelmingly enthusiastic my son is about going diving. He is an athletic and very intelligent (G.A.T.E.) kid. He's already read the OW book and can pass any test or review 100%. But most importantly he's very cool headed (rare for kids his age) and has good common sense. Plus he understands the seriousness of scuba instruction and the dangers of the sport. I'd rather him be diving then getting into Football. I love it and so does he but there's no way I'm letting him play. :nono:
I have two boys who can't wait to start diving. both are very athletic, very smart and mature for their age, but both are going to wait till at least 15 before they are allowed to scuba. Until then they can practice their snorkleing skills. They have their whole lives in front of them and to put them at risk of ending their diving or worse yet their lives because I got a little too impatient, I couldn't live with that. Anyone who has dove for any length of time knows that something WILL go wrong eventually and it is how we make those decisions in 1 or 2 seconds that affects the outcome of the situation. It is my opinion that a parents judgement will be clouded in this situation when it involves their child. I have read many articles and statics to back up and create this opinion. Every diver, weather he realizes it or not, makes live and death decisions everytime he goes under. My children are not even allowed to make small decisions with little impact, much less these type. I said all that to say this. If you trust your child enough to go diving with a buddy you don't know, then your child knows enough about diving and is mature enough to continue. However if you only trust your child to go diving with you then you don't trust the abilities of your child you are trusting in your abilities as their buddy. But then again this is just my .02
jdb once bubbled...
If you trust your child enough to go diving with a buddy you don't know, then your child knows enough about diving and is mature enough to continue. However if you only trust your child to go diving with you then you don't trust the abilities of your child you are trusting in your abilities as their buddy.
And if you as a parent don't feel your own skills are up to being your child's safety net (and it doesn't matter whether it is your child's skill and maturity or your own that makes it so) then you shouldn't let your children dive. And I certainly respect your decision as a parent.
Remeber the martini law! We don't let kid drink alcohol why are we in such a rush to expose them to ingassing and offgassing ,can't be good, for growing bones. Any one heard of bone condyle necrosis. :bonk:
Yes, and this avascular necrosis of bone is seen mostly in commercial divers, not recreational divers. It would be very unusual to see it in children limited to shallow depths.

Best regards.

scubapunk-17055 once bubbled...
what's it going to do to a kid if something happens to you during the dive? just a thought...

That's precisely why my husband and I both dive with our 12 year old!

Interestly article roakey! The pictures were really cute.
I realize that this is a some what touchy subject, and I am going to try not to burn my bridges here, but it is something that I personally have always felt strongly about. I got certified two months after I turned 14. In all honesty I don't feel that this was too young to get certified. I think that as long as your child can prove that he or she has the mental as well as physical capabilities, of a safe diver, then he or she is more then able to dive. Yes, diving is a risk, but it is going to be a risk to a person of any age. Its just as dangerous to drive your car down the freeway. This is a great risk too. Should we now not be allowed to drive until we are "legally" adults? I do agree however that there should be a certified family member, senior to your child in age that is willing and ready to take on the responsibilities of diving with a minor. However, you need to make sure that your child is ready to handle the responsibilities of diving with an adult. Sometimes that can be just as difficult.

This is just my opinion, and I am in no way shape or form saying that you have to agree with me. Just keep in mind that the sooner you start diving, the more you will get to see in your lifetime. This is one of thoes subjects that there are always going to be different opinions on, and thats great. Sometimes however parents have to cope with the fact that their babies are growing up, and they might get hurt, but hopefully they will learn from it.

That said, dive safely, and enjoy!:)

Define 'Children' if it hasn't been defined already (sorry, didn't want to read through all the posts, nor did I have time).

Are we talking anyone up to 17 years of age?

I guess I would say anyone over 16 with parent/guardian otherwise 18. But then again I don't have kids...

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