Shore Diving at Coco View

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Great Northwest
I know this will seem like an odd question, but there are lots of you out there that have been to CVR many times so here it goes. My wife and I are going there in Feb. and mainly being cold water divers we always wear open heel fins and boots, but we would like to just take boot fins on this trip and my wife was wondering if for the shore diving there we would also need to take aqua socks or something like that to reach the point where we put our fins on. We are not tender feet by any means, but having never been there before we didn't know if we would just be walking on sand or rocks or coral etc. Thanks for any input. Mike:confused:
That's a very insightful question!

Part of shore diving anywhere is knowing the conditions. Good place to start!

CCV's shore dive into the "front yard' starts a few feet from your room's door. It involves about 45 paces from the "dive dock' and gear rooms, along flat hard sand that is handicapped accessible.

At the beach, there are tank racks for used "tired tanks" (empties) just a few feet from the bar and hot tub.

You could walk out on the boardwalk :walking: to the Gazebo and flop in 6fsw from there, but most people prefer to walk the 110' out to stand in 4' of water at the "dive platform". This is where you do the final fiddling with your gear, etc. You can also leave stuff atop this picnic table like surface.

This short pathway is largely cleared sand, maybe 8-10 feet wide, but some critters will float in by wave and current action. I have gotten 2 urchin spines :monst: after many hundreds of shore dives at CCV. Trust me- that was two too many! :doh!:

I now like to wear "reef walkers" or "wet shoes', those inexpensive nylon mesh shoes with treaded bottoms for the walk out to the platform. There is NO percentage in stepping on any critter that may have washed itself onto the path! There are also any number of small bits of old dead rock that pop up and are willing to annoy your toes!

I buy these shoes a bit large- so as to fit over my neoprene socks, then I peel them off and pop on my flippers. They're right there when I come back. Some folks wear Teva sandals, some wear nothing, some wear heavy booties- just cause that's what they're used to.

On drop off dives, where they let you dive a wall or wreck (or both) and then SCUBA back to CCV, I stick the "reef walkers" in my BC pocket or exposure suit. I do the same thing at Bonaire for shore exit/entry.

Make great use of the "front yard" at Coco View... that's it's main claim to fame... other than their custom dive boats, cabanas over the reef, dive gear rooms... oh, you'll find your reasons!
I agree with RMan. The pathway from waters edge to the staginf platform is kept as clear as possible but it's not suitable for bare, or just sock feet. One year I took a pair of full foot fins and used them on boat dives only. leaving my open heeled fins for shore dives. As you can already surmise, it was a pain keeping up with two pair of fins! Now I just use the open heel fins. RMans method would work very well, just make sure you have some sort of protection from the urchins and other creatures who live in the path as well as the sharp coral...I have a 2" scar on my knee to prove this one!

Most of all have a great trip and tell everyone hello!
Thanks you guys for the info., I knew there was a wealth of knowledge out there just waiting to be tapped. It's little tidbits like this that make the all that more enjoyable, can't wait to go.

You are ready to take the CoCoView pledge! Your trip is close at hand!

(If I may ask Dee to assist!)

Repeat after us:

I (Insert future CoCoNut's Name Here) pledge to take every opportunity to safely extend my total number of dives at CCV. I will do this by never missing a 0900 or 1400 boat dive, walking to the boat dock much as the zombified "Eloi" from "The Time Machine", nor will I "forget" to raise my hand when the DM's are asking, "Who wants to do the drop off dive?" (I know that lunch will still be there, the afternoon nap will still be available).

I will take sausage or bacon to Maggie Dog every morning. If some should slip into my BC pocket, I will see how fat the Toadfish can get before he can no longer get out from under his rock.

I will make every safe effort to attain a minimum of 3.75 dives per dive day, striving for a safe 5 per day as a Golden Ring Goal, always being aware of the need to nap taking arguable precedence. I will not deny my fellow diver's sneers and ridicule if I am found sleeping whilst they return dripping wet.

I will struggle to my feet after dinner's coffee and pie and waddle towards the dive gear room and suit up every night for the reason I am at CoCo View- the "at your feet" shore dive right in the "Front Yard".

I will tear myself away from the melodic and enchanting Garifuna dancers once-a-week after dinner exhibition just to do this. I do not need to pay extra $ for the night "boat dive" because I know that the best stuff is right in front of my room. I will not complain as I wade into the dark cool Caribbean water as it rises inexorably above "Mr. Happy". I will not gaze longingly into Nayda the bartender's face until after the night dive and ask for a "green" (Port Royal) or "brown" (Salva Vida) Beer and impress all the hot SCUBA chicks at the bar with my great night dive stories.

I will know that if I am beset by the plague of no-see-ums, I must have forgotten to drink enough DEET with my Flor de Cana Rum. I will bring Benadryl. If my pal has any luggage problems, I know that he did his best by putting three (3) sperate bag tags on each duffel with the letters "RTB CCV" on each one, knowing that they will show up soon enough, knowing that there's nothing he'll need that CCV won't hand him.

I will not be depressed when on Thursday afternoon I see the most depressing sight in my life- the worst thing you could ever see at CCV, the departure information on my neatly made bed. ;-0

I will leave a generous tip and hand the DM and Boat Captain something extra BEFORE their day off on Friday. (Used batteries do not count)

On my off-gassing day I will sign up for the Dolphin Snorkel at AKR and get underwater one more time while beginning to understand why I didn't go there for a week, or maybe I'll just thrash around in front of CCV in 10 feet of water to say goodbye to all of my new fishy friends, checking my PADI/DAN Nitrogen loading recommendations again and against my flight time.

I will not try to teach any of the Parrots new verses of "Roll Me Over in the Clover", they already know all of them anyway.

On the final morning, when I am leaving on the small launch, I will look back to the South at the little cay that CCV resides upon, so that if this is the last time I see this bit of heaven, I will always remember it well.

Suit up, go diving.

(anything I missed here, Dee? I was doing it from memory)
I do solemly pledge :thumb: to uphold and abide by the tenents of the CocoView pledge and just plain dive my brains out :pbounce: in between naps.:snoozer:


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