Ok, it’s not in my nature to leave well enough alone so…
the performance of these SR Regs is as good as anything out there and better than most but…
I like my Regs to run hot enough that I can get them to “over” flow when I want it, these won’t do it they are so very well behaved,I’ve ordered some parts so it time to experiment.
the fine tuning adjustment for spring pressure is accessible through the control knob
the adjuster is pretty conventional micro adjuster, my new parts still use the Allen for adjustment.
inside it pretty conventional in design
the air is delivered via two holes
this is the diverted/interuptor all the way in
All the way out
you can see it adds turbulence even when open for the second hole, it also stands off a little which I feel also creates some turbulence
so my first attempt at making it lose a little of its tight control
I removed a little bit from the divertor, I’m getting a touch of the push I like but have to wait until next week to dive it.
the other interesting thing about these is the orifice end adjustment, no in-line adjuster needed
the sleeve here cones through the lock nut and provides easy adjustment with no special tools
you can just make out the adjuster notches in this pic, all you need is a small pick or screw driver to turn it, the adjustment tweaks orifice/seat engagement without affecting lever height.