Sherwood divers

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Does anyone out there dive a oasis or magnum? How do they breathe at 100ft. Looking at both regulators, good price, easy to maintain, thats why im looking toward sherwood.
Does anyone out there dive a oasis or magnum? How do they breathe at 100ft. Looking at both regulators, good price, easy to maintain, thats why im looking toward sherwood.

Do a search and you will find a lot of opinions on both of these. General consensus (based on my recollection) is that many feel that:

1) Oasis does help somewhat for dry mouth with a lot of users
2) Sherwood regs are easy to service and very can get them serviced just about anywhere and they are not very complicated. They also have a following for cold water diving.
3) The opinions on diving deeper than 100 feet are mixed. The Sherwood Regs are not billed as "high performance" and some people do not like using them at such depths, while others have used them for years for dives in the 100 foot plus range and love them, although a higher end reg for not much more money will probably breath "easier and sweeter" at such depths.

Such regs include, but are not limited to Aqualung, Scubapro, Apeks, Atomic.

Again do a search for more details. Hope this helps.

I have a soft spot in my heart (some say head) for Sherwood regs. After years with Dacor regs, I bought a Mares MR-12 something or other, in 1990. That reg was a shop mascot. It ate seats for lunch. I was so disgusted, that I decided to try a Sherwood and bought a Blizzard in 1991. That reg was great. I was running dive boats at the time, and my reg got "busy dive captain's maintenance"--hosed off when cleaning the boat and tossed in the cabin (definitely not recommended). I saw problems with many regs, over the years, usually due to poor maintenance, but relatively few with Sherwoods. On days off, a few of us often got together and dived some rather deep wrecks--well below usual sport diving depths. I used that Blizzard for everything--200-300 dives a year. It never missed a beat, and I doubt that it was serviced as often as once a year. When I sold it, after about 800 dives, it still functioned like new.
Of course one reg does not a company make, but even the most ardent Sherwood hater will admit that they are reliable. It is not hard to find an easier breathing reg than a Sherwood. My Mares was one. So is the Aqua Lung I use now (I got a great deal). So are Apeks, Scuba Pro, and later Mares I have tried. But, I have to chuckle when I read that Sherwood is not suited for dives beyond 100 feet. I cannot help but wonder how much actual experience these detractors have with Sherwood in the deep blue.
My wife currently dives an Oasis, and we dive regularly to 120 feet. My backup reg is another Oasis.
They are totally lacking in the snob factor, since they are in many rental inventories. But for the average sport diver, the combination of price and reliability of Sherwood regs is tough to beat.
I used the Magnum for the first two years ater getting cert. I have 100+ dives on it and now use it on my pony since I got my Maximus. 100ft+ dives were normal with no problems except for one winter dive(air28F-water39F) when the operator(me) didn't follow ALL the cold water procedures and made it freeflow. I've had good results with Sherwood. As stated by the previous posts, it's not considered a high performance reg but I didn't know that til I read it here. I'm happy with them. I've never used the Oasis, so I can't say one way or the other how well they work.

Take a look at all the regs out there and try as many as you can. There are no "bad" regs out there, just some better than others. In my case, I also consider price and if there is local service for them. If you choose Sherwood(whatever model), I think you will be pleased.
i have the sherwood magnum and i love it! so far, ive only taken it down to a 100 once but it worked fine down there. Great regulator and its at a good price too.
Does anyone out there dive a oasis or magnum? How do they breathe at 100ft. Looking at both regulators, good price, easy to maintain, thats why im looking toward sherwood.
i use 3 sherwood
maximus primary
blizzard back up
brut in my pony
i never have a problem
i have over 100 +dive witn this kit
sherwood is very hard service reg.
and under 100' it s comparable to regulator $$$$$$$more
You don't know how much help you all have been. Now i'm not sure between the maximus or the oasis i dont do alot of cold water diving meaning 50 deg the coldest. Reading i think both regs would be fine. Thanks.
You don't know how much help you all have been. Now i'm not sure between the maximus or the oasis i dont do alot of cold water diving meaning 50 deg the coldest. Reading i think both regs would be fine. Thanks.
The thing I like about the Maximus is the second stage adjustment. If you can afford the extra money vs the Oasis, I would go that way. Both will do well in your conditions, but I think you will like the adjustment feature of the Maximus.
I have a sherwood Magnum for an octo on my Atomic Rig...I must say that it breathes pretty hard on the surface, and has since new...I was actually thinking of replacing it with something that I wouldn't have to conciously suck on at 130ft to get air. Anyone else have this type of problem?

Edit: Oh yeah--I was talking to a caver at one of the springs down here and his take on the second stage adjustments was "why would you wan't to make a reg breathe harder, you wan't it breathing as easy as possible the entirety of the dive." He was speaking of his ATX50's.
My LDS uses them frequently in rental. They dive in more conditions, and more often than any diver in a year. Had my Blizzard (not what you asked but) down to 100ft. and no problem. As mentioned there are better breathing regs at those depths but the sherwood worn't kill you.

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